Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 旅行中にログインすると、TravelogにはFoursquareに似たチェックイン機能が関係のある国の旗と近隣の地図を表示する。しかし、ユーザーは滞在先の...

Document and Share Your Travel Experience with Travelog

If you love traveling, here’s a mobile app that takes note of all your key travel details that you want to keep track of or share.

Travelog is developed by the four-person team at Korea-based startup CultStory. Prior to the development of Travelog, there was already a Korean version (translated as Travel Diary) launched specifically for the Korean domestic market in March 2011. However, the team decided to widen its scope to the global market with updated and improved functions, and officially launched an English Travelog for iOS in May of this year. Founder Jepil Yun explained to us that during a trip to New York, he missed several beautiful attractions nearby where he was visiting, and this could have been avoided if he had a tool that could give him location-based information on-the-go. And so they came up with Travelog.

Registration can be done via social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, or you can opt for an email registration. Travelers can then upload their personal notes, recommendations, and photos on their personal log, which becomes like a trip diary. Travelog also offers seven types of photo filters which can be applied to photos prior to uploading. While logging trips, the Travelog app has a Foursquare-like check-in function whereby locations are mapped and pinned, with the relevant country flag displayed. However, it only allows users to check-in from their current, exact location. This would mean that in order to log your travels when you are overseas, GPS must be enabled at that point. Travelog also allows users to discover other travelogs within the app, from all over the world. Users can browse through recent feeds by city, or they can follow a specific traveler. In addition, travelogs are not only limited to in-app viewing. Upon registration, each user will be allocated a specific URL that can be entered and viewed in the browser, a page sort of like a photo blog. Although there are several big competitors like TripColour and Gogobot – or more general social services like Path and Instagram – Jepil Yun says that the main, unique point of Travelog is that it focuses on documenting your travel experiences while also giving you useful information. The startup will be introducing new features such as travel recommendations and the creation of photobooks and slideshows from your Travelogs.

If you’d like to give it a try, you can get Travelog for free in the app store.
transcontinents さんによる翻訳


Travelogは韓国を拠点とする4人のチームCultStoryが開発した。Travelogの開発前には、既に韓国版(英語に訳すとTravel Diary)を2011年3月に国内市場でローンチしていた。しかし、チームはグローバル市場を目指して更新や機能改善に取り組み、今年の5月に公式に英語版iOS向けTravelogを始動した。

創設者のJepil Yunがニューヨーク出張中に私達に語ったところによると、彼は旅行時に近くに美しい場所があったにも関わらず行きそびれていた、もし訪問先のロケーションベースで情報を得られていたら、そんなことにはならなかったと言う。そしてTravelogを思いついた。

TripColourとGogobotのような手強いライバルは数社、もっと一般的なPathやInstagramのようなソーシャルサービスもある。Jepil Yunによると、メインでユニークなTravelogの特徴は、旅行の記録をとりながら同時に有益な情報を得ることができることdあと言う。スタートアップは口コミやフォトブック、スライドショーといった新しい機能をTravelogに追加する予定だ。


Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
transcontinents transcontinents

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