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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 2. 教育レベル 若い世代という以外にWeiboのユーザーは大学の学位やそれ以上の学歴の高い人々に偏っている。実際Weiboの30%は大学生で、最大...

8 Facts About Sina Weibo Users That All Marketers Should Know

Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) has just released an interesting report filled with facts and stats about users of its Sina Weibo service, which passed 400 million registered users earlier today. Combing through the report, we see it has lots of Weibo user demographic facts that would be super useful for brands and marketers, so we’ve picked eight of the best for this list. 1. Gender and Age

Weibo users are split evenly along gender lines, with 180 million each. That doesn’t add up to Sina’s newest 400 million figure, so it seems the data was compiled a few months ago. Anyway, users are mostly people born after 1980, making it a very young user-base. The biggest group is those born between 1980 and 1989 – who are China’s first boomers and netizens. Those born in 1990 or thereafter are the ones to watch, and the group that might require a change of marketing strategy: 2. Education Levels

As well as being quite young, Weibo users are also skewed towards those we are well-educated, with the majority having a university degree or higher. Indeed, 30 percent of current Weibo users are current university students, making them the biggest single professional user-group. The next largest subset is white-collar workers, representing 19.6 percent: 3. Monthly Income and Spending Levels

The chart on the left relates to monthly disposable income among Weibo users, while the blue chart relates to income. Clearly, the bulk of users say that they spend 1,000 RMB to 2,999 RMB ($159 to $478) per month. Tallied with the afore-mentioned preponderance of white-collar and mid-level office workers (in #2) on the social site, there’s a fairly sizable chunk of income set aside for spending each month: 4. Spending Power

All of Sina Weibo’s users have an annual theoretical spending power of RMB 16 trillion ($2.55 trillion), which equates to the GDP of Italy. OK, so Chinese tend to be conservative with spending – prefering to save for college funds and to counterbalance a lack of a social safety net – so this one is not so meaningful for brands. Instead it’d be better to look at education and income levels (see #2 and #3) and carefully cross-reference that with regional distribution (see #5). Nonetheless, this is a fun factoid: 5. Where are Weibo Users?

Weibo users are – as the above stats give a clue – scattered across China’s richer coastal areas and hi-tech manufacturing hubs. On the heat map, Guangdong stands out in red, with the most Weibo users of all, then Jiangsu province and Beijing municipality. All three provinces have a similar weight of middle-class and wealthy inhabitants, and its interesting that they share a strong Weibo user-base as well:

6. PCs, TVs, Mobile

Basically, this is what media Weibo users are interested in, compared with folks on Facebook or Twitter. Note the greater love for mobile usage in China: 7. Weibo Usage on PCs, Mobile

For now, Weibo users spend more time accessing the service on their PCs – an average of 5.8 hours per day for a user. On a mobile, that’s down to 3.9 hours. Both stats, Sina claims, are higher than for either Facebook or Twitter:

8. Ad Blockers?

Lastly, how receptive are Weibo users to adverts? Sina claims that the majority find ads “quite useful” – a greater number than those who dislike ads:

Check the the full report for further details (and to see specifics of its methodology), though note that it’s all in Chinese. Get it from Sina Weibo’s official reports page (login required), or we’ve put it up here for your convenience.
sosa31 さんによる翻訳
マーケティング担当者がSina Weibo(新浪微博)について知っておくべき8つのこと

Sina(NASDAQ上場:SINA)が、Sina Weiboのユーザーについて興味深い事実と数字でいっぱいのレポートを発表した。
1. 性別と年齢層

2. 教育水準

3. 月収と購買力

4. 購買力

Sina Weiboユーザーの購買力をまとめると、その規模は理論的には16兆元(2.55兆ドル)になる。これは、イタリアのGDPに並ぶ数字だ。でも、確かに中国人は金使いについては保守的-大学の学費とか、社会的なセーフティーネットの欠如に備えたりするのに貯金が必要だ- なので、この数字はブランド担当者にとってはあまり意味がない。代わりに教育レベルと月収(#2と#3)を見て、ユーザーの地域分布(#5)と相互に参照してみよう。とはいっても、これはこれで楽しいデータだ。
5. Weiboのユーザーはどこにいるのか?


6. PC、テレビ、モバイル

7. PCやモバイルでのWeiboの使用


8. 広告のブロック?


具体的な調査の方法を含め、詳細は全レポートを手に入れて確認してみて欲しい。でも中国語で書かれていることを覚えておいて。ログインが必要だが、Sina Wiboのオフィシャル・レポートのサイトからダウーンロードが可能だ。あるいは我々の方でこのページに直接アップするかも知れない。

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