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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] Tibiji、パスワード保護されたメモ系サービスで、財務を追跡 Tibijiは北京に拠点をおくFeikeの新しいサービスで、オンラインのパーソナルオ...

Tibiji Takes Password-Protected Notes and Tracks Your Finances

Tibiji is a brand-new service from Beijing-based startup Feike, consisting of an online personal organiser. We have seen several such services before, but most just do notes, such as Evernote’s Yinxiang Biji or Netease’s Youdao Yunbiji. But Tibiji users are able to organize many other aspects of their life into this cloud-based system.

Upon logging into the dashboard, one is able to store important contacts, maintain personal finances, keep track of special dates and birthdays, record notes, and monitor personal favors. One of the founders of Tibiji tells us via email that its product stands out from other single-function notes app because it not only combines several features into one, but they claim to be the only available platform that provides monitoring of personal favors.

I was intrigued by this latter feature, which allows a user to note their personal ‘receivables’ and ‘payables’ from others (as shown in the image below). But on second thought, are people really so particular about receiving and giving? This Tibiji service also hopes to go green by encouraging the adoption of a paper-free way of organizing life. It offers a virtual notepad with a customizable link, so users are able write, edit, and share by accessing the link. Concerned about privacy issues? No worries! Each note page can be secured by a personal password so only those who have the password, are able to access it. There is one major disadvantage though – users cannot upload any images or audios into the notepad, so this just serves as a basic note-keeping tool. Nonetheless, the personal finance management feature is fuss-free, and enables users to have a quick overview of their monthly income and expenditures. Each entry can also be further categorized into things like lifestyle, culture, and necessities. From the dashboard, you can see problem areas and manage your budgets with ease. It is accessible via your mobile web browser, but there are no mobile app versions, and that’s a little disappointing. Keying in Tibiji’s main web address brought me to a random user’s note page (a security flaw?). It seems like using Tibiji on a desktop web browser provides a more seamless user experience, but defeats the main purpose of being mobile and convenient. Overall, Tibiji is a simple and straightforward tool which does a pretty cool job in managing personal accounts and contacts. But if you are someone who prefers to make random notes and loves apps, perhaps other cloud note apps might do a better job. Here are a few from China that might be of interest, or you can try something like nvNotes, which is currently on sale in the app store.
zhizi さんによる翻訳

Tibijiは北京に拠点をおくFeikeの新しいサービスで、オンラインのパーソナルオーガナイザーだ。これまでにこの種のサービスをいくつか見てきたが、EvernoteのYinxiang BijiやNeteaseのYoudaoYunbijiなどのように、それらのほとんどがメモを取るだけのサービスだ。だが、Tibijiを使えば、日常行うその他の多くのことをこのクラウドサービスで整理することができる。


全般的に見ると、Tibijiは個人的な財務や連絡先の管理をかなり上手くこなすシンプルで簡単なツールだ。だが、適当なメモ取りやアプリの方が好きなら、その他のクラウド・メモサービスの方がいいかもしれない。こちらで、興味があるかもしれない中国のメモ系サービスをいくつか紹介している。もしくは、app store販売中のnvNotesのようなサービスを試してみてもいいだろう。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
zhizi zhizi