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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] SparxUpのケータリング:インドネシアはジャカルタだけではない。 ジャカルタで開催されたSparxUpが終わった。我々e27のジャカルタ投書員が...

SparxUp show takeaways: Indonesia is not only Jakarta

SparxUp in Jakarta has concluded, and our Indonesia-based correspondent has a wrap-up of the afternoon sessions.

The afternoon session at SparxUp was keynoted by Zane Adam, Microsoft’s senior director for Cloud and Platform Strategy. He highlighted the importance of cloud computing for startups. By deploying through Platform as a Service (PaaS), businesses can save on technology and infrastructure costs, and can therefore concentrate more on their growth. Zane believes that platforms like Azure can help a lot of startups deploy any application in any platform they want. Emerging Market Expansion

The next panel discussed “Emerging Market Expansion,” and brought together Zane, Akshay Patil of Foursquare, Norita Kobayashi of GREE, Willix Halim, and Troy Malone of Evernote. The panel was moderated by Veritrans Indonesia CEO Ryu Kawano Suliawan, and focused on growth and how companies can go about with their expansion.

For GREE, localized language was somewhat important, but finding heavy and loyal users in the country where they have their presence in was far more important. “We are currently looking for developers in Bandung and Jakarta,” Norita says. He admits that they were still struggling to search for the best strategy to develop the local market. In the case of Foursquare, Akshay admitted that they fully supported the super-user community and thought that this strategy fits the audience. The location-based service is still small, having about 100 employees across New York, San Francisco and the United Kingdom. Foursquare still does not see the importance of having a local presence outside of its offices. If you wonder where their biggest user base is, it’s Turkey! The digital repository Evernote has been going strong internationally since 2009. Key strategies implemented for market development are through hackathons, conferences, user meet-ups and the recently-announced Evernote for Business. Growth is quite fast. For instance, the Indonesia user-base has reached 250,000, and Troy said the company might establish an office in the country. Future plans revealed include another hackathon in conjunction with the launch of new Android-powered devices priced between US$ 70 to 90. In Asia, China, Japan and India are Microsoft’s biggest markets. The company has had a presencein Indonesia for more than two decades. Localization is country-specific, and done with cooperation from local developers and strengthened relationships with homegrown partners. Microsoft is confident they can strengthen their foothold in this market through cloud-computing offerings.

Meanwhile, Freelancer has 150 employees spread across four offices in Buenos Aires, London, Manila and Sydney. The company realizes the importance of the Indonesian market and has decided to appoint a country manager for Indonesia as a key figure to manage whole operation, tactically and strategically. Expanding to Indonesia

“Expanding to Indonesia” marked the last keynote. Netprice CEO Teruhide Sato complimented Indonesia as more promising country than Japan due to its natural and human resources that will bolster the industry. He shared success stories of Japanese local players. E-commerce giant Rakuten developed other products (infoseek and mytrip), and started to enjoy skyrocketing growth in 2008. CyberAgent successfully survived from their 1998 crisis and became a very popular game developer and publishing company since then. What we can learn from DeNA, another Japanese giant player in mobile publishing that dominates the market with e-travel, e-commerce, and payment gateway services is this: “Do and lead local while keep thinking global then go outside the country and localize.”

His keywords are “Time Machine” and “Local.” He first discussed internet business history and pointed out lessons from the success stories. Rakuten, CyberAgent and DeNA started from one core business as the only driver, and were able to expand their businesses into other playing fields after approximately seven years. Based on his presentation, Indonesia will reach market maturity in 2018. Strong and popular products and services will always become the appetizers for local players to jump into the same space. It’s inevitable and is a turning point for the country, hence internet business owners should take advantage of this trend in order foster their growth. Exploring Indonesian Market

The panel on “Exploring Indonesian Market” was moderated by Merah Putih Inc.’s Anthony Liem ended the Friday session. Panelists were Fakhry Bafadal, founder of Jogjakarta Tech community Bancakan 2.0; Reza Prabowo, co-founder of Bandung tech community (FoWAB); Italo Gani, CEO of Inbound Marketing; and Dondy Bappedyanto, Infinys System general manager. Panelists shared their experiences dealing with major cities across Indonesia, like Medan and Malang, aside from the cities they are currently based in. From the supply side, we could easily find developers and other digital talents in Jogja and Bandung since these two cities are more conducive than the capital city, particularly when it comes to the traffic, atmosphere, and number of educational institutions, lower cost of living and friendliness, among others. But Dondy pointed out there is a gap in between the graduates’ skillset and what the industry needs. Fakhry and Reza admitted this, and agreed this is the purpose of their tech-oriented communities. “We need to solidify strategic partnership between education and tech industry. My company is doing it by now,” Dondy says.
zhizi さんによる翻訳


SparxUpの午後のセッションでは、Microsoft Cloud & Platform StrategyのシニアディレクターZane Adam氏が基調講演を行った。同氏はスタートアップにとってクラウドコンピューティングがいかに重要であるかを強調した。パース(Platform as a Service、もしくはPaaS)を使えば、企業はテクノロジーおよびインフラのコストを節約することができので、企業成長にもっと力を入れることができる。Azureなどのプラットフォームは、あらゆるアプリケーデョンをあらゆるプラットフォームで展開できるので、多くのスタートアップする支援をすることができる、とZane氏は考えている。
次のパネルディスカッションでは、「新興市場の拡大」について議論された。Zane氏とともに、FoursquareのAkshay Patil氏、GREEのコバヤシノリタ氏、Willix Halim氏、EvernoteのTroy Malone氏が参加。司会はVeritrans IndonesiaのCEOであるRyu Kawano Suliawa氏がつとめ、「成長」と「企業は事業拡大にどう取り組むことができるか」をテーマに討論が行われた。

デジタル倉庫のEvernoteは2009年以来、海外進出に力を入れている。市場開発に対する主な戦略は、ハッカソン、カンフェランス、ユーザーのための集会の開催、そして最近発表されたEvernote for Businessだ。企業は急速に成長している。例えば、インドネシアのユーザーベースは25万人に達しており、Troyは同社がインドネシアにもオフィスを開設するかもしれないと語った。今後の計画には、70〜90米ドルほどの新たなAndroid向けデバイスのローンチ、そしてハッカソンの開催などがある。


「インドネシアへの進出」をテーマに、最後の基調講演が行われた。Netprice最高経営責任者のTeruhide Sato氏は、インドネシアには同産業を支持する物的・人的資源があるため、同国は日本よりも将来有望な国だと賛辞した。同氏は現地で活躍する日本企業のサクセスストーリーを紹介。eコマース企業の楽天は(infoseek、mytripなどの)他のプロダクトも開発し、2008年に急速な成長をし始めた。

同氏のプレゼンによると、インドネシアは2018年に市場が成熟するそうだ。強力で人気のあるプロダクトやサービスは常に、地元プレーヤーが 同業界へ飛び込む刺激となるだろう。これは避けられないことであると同時にインドネシアの転換期でもある。それゆえにインターネットビジネスのオーナーは成長を助長するためにこのトレンドを活用するべきだ。

「インドネシア市場の模索」をテーマにしたパネルディスカッションはMerah Putih Inc.のAnthony Liem氏が司会を務め、金曜日のセッションを締めくくった。パネリストとして、Jogijakarta Tech Community Bancakan 2.0のFakhry Bafadal氏、バンドンテックコミュニティー(FoWAB)の共同設立者Reza Prabowo氏、Inbound Marckeingの最高経営責任者Italo Gani氏、そしてInfinys SystemのジェネラルマネージャーDondy Bappedyanto氏が参加した。パネリストは、現在拠点をおいている地域以外にも、メダンやマランなど、インドネシアのその他の主要都市での経験を語った。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

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