Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] ここでは、マウスの作動しない領域をなくして、動きをスムーズにさせることについて解説します。 手順1-ゲーム中に、F1を1回押して十字カーソルが自動的...

The purpose here is to eliminate deadzone and improve the smoothness of your mouse movement.

Step 1 - When you are in-game, press F1 (5 Point Deadzone calibration) once and scroll your mouse wheel up several times until you see the crosshair automatically move to the right.
Step 2 - Using the Mouse Wheel Slowly scroll down 1 to 2 wheel clicks at a time until you see the crosshair COMPLETELY stop. We suggest you zoom-in and carefully look at the crosshair's micro movements during this stage to get the most accurate results. It will move slightly every few seconds towards the end, make sure you scroll down to the point where the crosshair completely stops.
Scrolling down more after it completely stops will have an adverse effect on your optimization.

Step 3 - When you come to a complete stop, you have successfully neutralized the first point in the Deadzone Calibration system, thus optimized the X-axis micro movement for that specific game.

Step 4 - Then, after neutralizing the deadzone for this point, proceed to the next point by pressing F1 again and scroll your mouse wheel up several times until you see the crosshair automatically move to the slightly diagonally to the right.

Step 5 - Start scrolling down slowly, 1-2 mouse clicks at a time until you see the crosshair COMPLETELY stop.

Step 6 - This gets repeated for the next 3 points, making sure to press F1 after you neutralize each point. Once you have neutralized each point, press F6 to save your settings.

*Tip: A good way to make this a little easier to calibrate is by pressing F1 once then scrolling up until you see the cross hairs move, then press F6. Then proceed to do this for each point. Once you have done this for each point, by pressing F1, you can cycle through each point, making it easier to visualize the difference in each point. Then neutralize each one, hit F6 to save, until you have no movement when cycling through F1.

*Tip: Pressing F6 after each calibration automatically exits the current calibration and saves your setting, so F1 needs pressed twice if you wish to go back to calibrate deadzone 2, three times for deadzone 3 ect.
Step 7 - Press F7 at any time to restore the sensitivity and deadzone to factory default or F8 to quit the calibration without setting.
Step 8 - Press F6 to save your new Deadzone settings on your EEC, which can be saved as a file on your PC later on. Please refer to Advance Calibration Synchronization section III for more detail.

II. SensitivityAdjustments

The purpose of sensitivity adjustment is to manage the overall speed of your mouse movement. 1. You can adjust sensitivity in the game option menu, or do so via Eagle Eye Converter. To adjust sensitivity via Eagle Eye Converter, when are you in-game, press F2 (X-axis sensitivity tuning mode). Scroll up or down slowly until you feel the X-axis movement speed is optimized. Try to remember how many clicks you scrolled up or down. Press F6 to save.

2. Press F3 (Y-axis sensitivity tuning mode). Scroll up or down slowly to calibrate the Y sensitivity, but now you will notice that your crosshairs will begin to move up and down and then left to right in a cross like shape to illustrate how your X and Y sensitivity relates to each other.
So if you have a good X sensitivity, you want the up and down movement to be approximately equal the left and right movement. You can do this by either scrolling up or down to make the up and down movement as equal to the left to right movement as possible.

3. While we recommend the X and Y sensitivity be similar, you might notice for some games the x-axis is more sensitive than the y, or vice versa. You may want to increase the sensitivity of the slower axis in that case.

4. Press F7 at any time to restore the sensitivity and deadzone to factory default.

5. Press F6 to save your new X/Y sensitivity/deadzone setting on your EEC, which again can be saved as a file on your PC later on.
Please refer to Advance Calibration Synchronization section III for more detail.

III. Mouse Movement Adjustment

The purpose of the Mouse Movement adjustment is to reduce any jagged or unsmooth movements caused by small inaccurate micro movements during normal use. This section will be split in two parts: Angle Correction and Rotation Speed Limit

1. Angle Correction

While you are in game, you can adjust and increase the straightness of your X and Y axis movement by calibrating the Angle Correction feature of the Advanced Calibration system. What this does is reduce any unintentional diagonal movement that may occur because of human error (when we move our mouse left to right in a straight line, we never move it in a straight line and usually have some micro movements up and down that could affect how straight your movements are executed on screen.
By increasing the Angle Correction, your EEC will ignore these slight mouse movements. So if you turn this figure up super high, you will see that it will move perfectly straight up and down/left and right but cannot move diagonally. You want to get max straightness up/down left/right without sacrificing diagonal micro- movement
haru さんによる翻訳





手順8-F6でEECへの新しい不感領域の設定が保存され、これは、パソコンにファイルとして保存することもできます。詳細については、Advance Calibration SynchronizationのセクションⅢを参考にしてください。


感度調節は 総合的なマウスの動作のスピードを統御するものです。




詳細はAdvance Calibration SynchronizationのセクションⅢを参照してください。




Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
haru haru