Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] こんにちは。 私はけっして専門家ではありませんけれども、このファーストベア(初期のベア)は2000年初期にアメリカで発売されました。 ピンク、紫(パープ...

Hi,I am not an expert by any means but the first bears released in the usa were in the early 2000's. They included a pink,purple, mint and blue colors. Not a lot of people collected them and now they are worth a lot. Some time after their release disney auctions on ebay released several sets of what they called prototype or pre-production which meant they were used as models for the bears that were mass produced by disney. There are only a few of them in existance and most people do not know anything about them. We bought some from ebay and also bought some from a person on ebay for a lot less than what they paid because we liked them. At the current time, people still dont know much about them and did not know they were created. We may be the only ones besides a few others in the world who know about them. Eventually disney will release more info about them but until then, they are sort of a secret. As far as sales price go, they are worth less than the regular duffy bear. But over time they will be worth more than the regular duffy. We have a few of these and have bills to pay so we are selling some of ours. Its just hard to ask the price we think they are worth when people dont know about them, thats why we have such a low price. We have a copy of a certificate we received from the individual we bought them from to prove their authenticity on ebay a long time ago. We also have some from the ones we bought from disney but those arent the ones we are selling. Typically we sell our regular merchandise on mousedreams and the specialty items we sell using this screenname. I think you bought the pink bear from us as well from mousedreams.

We may be selling the pink prototype in the next couple weeks as well just because we need to pay some medical bills. Hope this helps. If you still want this item, we will accept your offer, if not, let us know. I just wanted to make sure you had all of the information so you could make an informed decision.
tatsuoishimura さんによる翻訳


Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
tatsuoishimura tatsuoishimura