[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] Achievements vs. objectives (please specify) ①、9月に行った新事業領域の提案により、我々が他の競合代理店と...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は ichi_09 さん annpotter さん [削除済みユーザ] さん ruddy1015 さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 6件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 636文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 1時間 25分 です。

gogglemanによる依頼 2010/03/21 23:07:49 閲覧 2074回
残り時間: 終了
原文 / 日本語 コピー

Achievements vs. objectives (please specify)

Degree of involvement vs. achievements (what is your role/ how you involved)
④、またXY 社のクリエイティブスタッフとの提案作業の中で、農業関係の専門知識を活かし、企画の有効性やユーザーインサイトを判断するのに貢献した。

評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/03/21 23:41:30に投稿されました
Achievements vs. objectives (please specify)
1) I succeeded at giving the impression of us as a new business partner which is different from competitive agencies by the proposal for new project area in September.
2) After the proposal I have sought enhanced relationship with them by continual proposal such as gallery project in Tokyo. We are keeping good relationship now to accept the order of "100th anniversary of the foundation" which is planned in the year 2013.

Degree of involvement vs. achievements (what is your role/ how you involved)
3) On the visits to the clients I reached out to their active comments with my expertise in agriculture and succeeded at hearing many assignments for durations of half year.
4) I also contributed to estimate effectiveness and user insight of projects in the proposal work with creative staff of XY company with my expertise in agriculture.
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/03/22 00:30:32に投稿されました
Achievements vs. objectives(please specify)
①Based with the new proposal about new adventure areas in September, we have successed in making an image of new business partner instead of another competing dealer.
②After that, Tokyo Gallery Project and others are proposed one after another for strengthening the relationship. Now aiming to the work in the "100th Anniversary" in 2013, we try to maintain a good relationship.

Degree of involvement vs. achievements (what is your role/ how you involved)
③When the client came to visit, we activated professional knowledge about agriculture to draw topics from the client. In the short time of a half year, we have succeeded in hearing many different topics.
④Also in the proposal process of XY Comany's Creative Staff, we activated professional knowledge about agriculture which contributed to the judgement of the usability of the proposal and user insight.
評価 47
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/03/22 00:12:39に投稿されました
Achievements vs. objectives (please specify)
1. I achieved to give impression that we are a new buisiness partner which is different from other rival company by promoting new expanded project in Sep.
2. I tried to ensure the relation by promotion like Tokyo Gallary promoting consistently. Now we can maintain good relations for getting project of "100-year-annivarsary" scheduled in 2013.

Degree of involvement vs. achievements (what is your role/ how you involved)
3. I successed to hear a lot of tasks when I visited customer in the short time, a half year as I got their lively opinion by using my knowlegde of agriculture.
4. Also, in the working with Creative Staff with XY, I used my agricultural knowledge and can support to judge if there is validity or user insight.
原文 / 日本語 コピー

⑤、我々のケーパビリティを継続的にアピール出来るよう、米塚氏をサポート。具体的にはXY 社のコーポレートコミュニケーション局から、周年ビジネス資料を入手。クライアントへのレクチャーを行う事により、我が社 への信頼感を深めた。
⑥、今後の展望: 田中チームとして取り組みプライオリティは低いクライアントだが、2010年は100周年の仕事が決まる重要な年となる。時間をかけて攻めるのではなく、ここと言うポイントで我々の存在感をアピールし続ける事が必要と考える。

評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/03/22 00:13:05に投稿されました
5) I supported Mr./Ms. Yonezuka so that we can continually appeal our capability. Specifically, I acquired annual business documents from the corporate communication department of XY company. I enhanced client's confidence to us through the lecture to them.
6) Outlook for the future: though it is a client with low-priority working as the team Tanaka, 2010 is important year while we would acquire the project of 100th anniversary. I think it is necessary to keep appealing our presence at each deciding point, not to capture gradually.

(訳注:ここでは「クライアント」は単数と解釈しましたが、前半では複数として訳してしまいました。単数で統一すると、上の "3) On the visits to the clients" の部分は "3) On the visits to the client" となります。なお、「米塚」の読みは「よねづか」としてあります。)
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/03/22 00:33:16に投稿されました
5. Provided support to Mr. Yonezuka in order to appeal our capability continuously. In particular, obtained annual business documents from corporate communication department of XY corporation. Deepened the trust of us by providing lectures to clients.
6. Future Prospects: Although this is low priority client whom we work with as team Tanaka, 2010 will be an important year when a contract for 100th anniversary will be made. It would be necessary to make an appeal of our presence at critical moments, rather than spending a lot of time.
評価 47
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/03/22 00:19:01に投稿されました
5. I support Mr. Yonezuka for appearling our capability consistenly. For example, I got their anniversary buisiness documents from corporate communication studio of XY. Doing lecture to client made them feel trust our company.

6. Future: I work as a member of Tanaka team and though the client's priority is low but I think 2010 would be important year as possibly we can get 100-year-anniversary project. I think we need to do appeal consistently our impact in the strict point and need not to take a long time.



会社に提出する個人成績評価シートに記入するものです。年初のMain objectivesがどのように達成できたかを自己評価した文章で、Achievements vs. objectives (please specify)、やDegree of involvement vs. achievements (what is your role/ how you involved) と言った内容です。


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