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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 中国は完全に革新化されるのに、もう20年かかる。 土曜日、Beijing Mastersの茶会、イェールクラブに行って来ました。Xu Xiaopin...

China Needs 20 More Years to Become Really Innovative

On Saturday I went to a Yale Club of Beijing Masters Tea talk by Xu Xiaoping at Peking University. Xu Xiaoping is one of China’s most prominent angel investors; but not just in the fields of tech start-ups but also film and philanthropy. At the end of 2011, his angel fund Zhenfund announced its partnership with Sequoia Capital China to create a US$30 Million JV seed fund. He is probably most famous for being the former co-founder and Vice Chairman of New Oriental Group, a NYSE-listed education company that helps prepare Chinese to study overseas, mainly America. The main topic of discussion was about ‘Innovation in China’. One of his conclusions was that, in this generation, China will not be able to produce their very own equivalent of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. However he did say, things are changing and it will just take time to happen. Here are some of his reasons:

1. China has a culture of education first at the expense of passion

Asians like to joke about Asian parents being strict and paranoid about studies and grades for their children. Generally it is true but of course not every Asian parent is like this. In China, there are a number of factors which feed into parent’s paranoia. The main one is fierce competition. With so many people, fighting to get into the best schools and presumably best jobs, the only way-in besides guanxi, is through stellar grades. Xu explained that China’s most important high school and university entrance exam called the Gao Kao is a killer of passion and creativity – a rather bold statement. He highlighted his reasoning through two stories. The first was of a Chinese boy in Canada who had a great passion for programming and was encouraged by his parents to explore his skills. This boy went on to amazing things and created a very valuable technology company. 2. Chinese products and services need more soul

Xu is a unique case because he studied music and was a music teacher at Peking University, so he is passionate about arts and culture. In relation to many Chinese tech companies and their products and services, he feels that they lack ‘soul’, a rather profound thought. 3. Innovators are discouraged by big giants that want to crush them

In America and especially the Silicon Valley, there is a start-up culture of build-to-acquire. Meaning many start-ups create a start-up that a big company like Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft want and then sell to them. Usually the reason is because a big company really just wants their talented team. The other reason is that by acquiring their technology, it saves them time building it themselves.
scarlet さんによる翻訳

土曜日、Beijing Mastersの茶会、イェールクラブに行って来ました。Xu Xiaopingが主催するもので、北京大学で開催されました。Xu Xiaopingは中国で最も有名なエンジェル投資家の1人です。技術の新設業だけでなく、映画や慈善事業も多く手がけています。2011年の終わりには彼のエンジェルファンドであるZhenfundがSequoia Capital Chinaとの提携を発表しました。3000万ドルのJVシードファンドを作るためです。彼はおそらくNew Oriental Groupの前創立者の1人、副会長として一番知られているでしょう。この会社はニューヨーク証券取引所にも登録されている、教育会社です。中国人に海外、主にアメリカでのビジネスのための知識を身につけさせる会社です。


中国には親達を偏執的にしてしまう要因がいくつもある。主なるものはすさまじい競争である。膨大な数の人々と、良い仕事を見つける為に一番の学校に入る競争をするのだ。Xu氏は中国でもっともレベルの高い高校と大学の入学試験であるGao Kaoは情熱、創造性を殺すものだと言っている、いや勇気ある証言だと言っても良いか。彼はその理由を2つの実例を挙げて説明してくれた。最初のものはカナダでの中国人少年の話。彼はプログラミングに情熱を持ち、両親にその才能を生かすように進められた。彼はそののち素晴らしい道に進み価値ある技術会社を立ち上げた。



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