Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 戦略コンサルティング大手のボストン・コンサルティング・グループ(BCG)は、世界第1位のコンサルタント会社としてどのようにマッキンゼーに取って代わるかにつ...

Strategy consulting major Boston Consulting Group (BCG) announced today that it has hired the services of the world’s number 1 strategy consulting firm McKinsey to advise BCG on how to replace McKinsey as the number 1 strategy consulting firm.
“We are sick of being second best. After a rigorous year long internal analysis session that involved 35 BCG consultants (editor – this translates to roughly over 2.9 lakh manhours assuming each consultant put in 18 hours a day,7 days a week), 45 proprietary BCG frameworks, and over 900 Powerpoint slides, we came to the firm conclusion that the best strategy would be to hire McKinsey to advise us on becoming #1,” said Vijayendra ‘Baba’ Haryal, Global Head, BCG. McKinsey has readily agreed to serve its new client as professionally as possible. “In normal times, we’d have asked them go climb a tree. But with another looming recession, we can’t afford to be choosy. Hopefully we should be able to retain BCG as an anchor client for at least 5 years,” said Achal Nath, Senior Partner, McKinsey.
Achal pooh-poohed the idea of a potential conflict of interest. “As long as they are paying us, we are happy to advise them. One of the firm’s core values is to place the client’s interest above everything else, so there is no question of a conflict of interest” said Achal. The Senior Partner however did concede that in theory BCG can replace McKinsey as the number 1 firm at the end of the engagement. “Yeah, in theory they should. But the cool thing about consulting is that we are not required to put our money where our mouths are, so I am not gonna lose sleep over it,” he shrugged.
The McKinsey team deployed for this prestigious assignment has been persuaded by BCG to use the famous BCG Growth-Share Matrix for some of the analysis. “Yeah, we have our own tools but these guys seem quite sentimental about this stuff and insisted that we use it.
So in the first phase of the engagement, we are gonna slot BCG consultants into dogs,cows,question marks, and stars so that the dogs can be kicked out and the stars can be promoted.We will then see what to do with the question marks,” said team lead and rising McKinsey star, Raghib Ahmed.Pundits think BCG’s move is a master-stroke. “If McK indeed helps them become #1, great! If not, BCG can then tell prospective clients that Mck’s advice does not always produce results,” said Li Chin, a Hong Kong based business journalist. “Hmm… that’s an interesting line of thought. To be honest, we just want to get hold of some nice Mck slides, but that will help too,” said ‘Baba’ Haryal, Global Head, BCG to The UnReal Times.
capone さんによる翻訳


45の専有的なBCG機構、そして900を超えるPowerpointスライド、私たちが<conclusion>会社がベストの戦術としてマッキンゼーを雇うことがアドバイス♯1になる」とVijayendra ‘Baba’ Haryal,グローバルヘッド(Global Head)、BCGは言った。
「通常、私達は、それらに、進行が木に登るように尋ねたであろう。しかし、別の迫る景気後退によって、私達は選り好みする余裕がない。うまくいけば、私達は、最低5年間アンカークライアントとしてBCGを保有することができるはずである。」発言者Achal Nath 、シニアパートナー、マッキンゼー。



言われたチームリードと昇っているマッキンゼースター、Raghib Ahmed。


発言者‘Baba’ Haryal, Global Head, BCG to The UnReal Times.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

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capone capone