Like playing a game, you can go through all the levels, get as many points as you can. But the end goal is usually the same – to finish the game. How you get there depends on what you want out of it.
Yu’s advice is for start-ups to be able to separate yourself from your start-up and look it at as a part of playing the game of life. Ask yourself what you really want out of it.
7. Jesper Lodahl – Make what customers need
Jesper is a co-founder of Smartots, an analytics solution for parents who want to monitor their kid’s performance of playing mobile games.
Jesper learnt the hard way about what start-up people call tunnel vision. You think you know what the best product is because you and only your-self believe it. He shared his failed experience with Club Beautiful, a controversial social network for only beautiful people. His conclusion was that he got his hypothesis wrong that Chinese people like Westerners care about good looks, but instead care more about status and money.
彼は彼の失敗した経験をClub Beautiful(美しい人々だけのための物議をかもすソーシャルネットワーク)と共有しました。
Jesper は、子供のモバイルゲームのプレー状況を監視したい親のための分析ソリューションである Smartots の共同創業者です。
Jesper は、スタートアップに関わる人達が「トンネルビジョン」と呼んでいるものについて苦労して学びました。あなたは自分が信じているから一番良い製品について自分が知っていると思うかもしれません。彼は、物議を醸した、美しい人達のみを対象としたソーシャルネットワークである Club Beautiful での間違いについて我々と共有してくれました。 彼の結論は、西洋人を好きな中国人は見た目を気にするという仮説が間違っていたというものでしたが、実際には(見た目よりは)社会的ステータスやお金について気にしていました。
He then talked about making what customers need. As a former engineer, Lodahl knows engineers are inclined to build unnecessary features. They just sit in front of a computer and just build without getting out of the building to listen to customers or ask them questions. That is why, he believes the Product Manager is the key person to link technology, marketing and sales people because they really know what the customer needs.
So by firstly understanding his own problems and being his own customer, he realized that parents want to connect and know more about what and how their kids are doing on games, so started Smartots.
彼らエンジニアは、コンピューターの前に座っていて、顧客に耳を傾けたり、質問をするためにオフィスから出ることなく、ずっと開発を続けます。そのため、彼は、Product Managerは顧客が何を必要かを知っているため、彼らがが技術とマーケティングと営業の人たちをうまく結びつける上で主要な役目を負うと信じています。
なので、まず自分の問題を理解し、自分自身の顧客になることで、彼は親たちが自分たちの子供がゲーム上でどのようにしているかを知りたいとい事に気づき、Smartots をはじめたのです。
8. Andy Mok – Hiring the right people
Andy is the founder of Red Pagoda Resources, a head hunting firm to help find talent for venture backed start-ups.
As the saying goes, people are always what make a company or team different. So Mok said the most important business decisions are not ‘what’ decisions but really ‘who’ decisions. He illustrated this point by numerating that a cost of a bad hire could be 15x an employee’s base salary and even tens of millions for a start-up.
To hire correctly you need to factor in the right person for the right job at the right time for the current business problem.
アンディは、Red Pagoda Resources(ベンチャーについての才能が新興企業を支えたと気付くのを手助けするヘッド・ハンティング会社)の創立者だ。
Andy は、ベンチャーの資本が入ったスタートアップ企業のために優秀な人材を見つけるヘッドハンティングファームである Red Pagoda Resourcesの創設者です。
9. Jonathen Palley – Rules of Improv
Jon is a tech geek and the first developer to bring Ruby on Rails to China. He has also recently sold off his company. However John is gaining more fame for his impromptu acting skills among the tech circuit.
Although his talk was all about how to be a great impromptu actor, the lessons and similarities learned for being a great entrepreneur were clear.
When an impromptu actor gets up on stage he or she has nothing to build upon until an idea is generated. Once the initial idea forms, actors use a technique of saying yes and being obvious to connect it to another actor. This helps the act by building momentum; otherwise the acting could stop and become awkward. For start-ups, they also need to work within teams and with customers to start with an idea but build on it by accepting new thoughts and being clear.
The saying goes that the ‘best things happen naturally’. Impromptu actors or comedians on stage try and commit to this by being quick to think, act and change if something isn’t going well. They can get immediate feedback from the audience if they like their joke or acting. Likewise in a start-up it is vital for them to get out there into the market, release a product and listen to the customers for feedback then iterate.
He pointed to the example of Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb who said ‘success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration’. Meaning start-ups have to be persistent and keep doing to eventually be successful.
10. David Kay – Entrepreneurs are artists
David is the founder of Yuenfen Flow, the incubator space dedicated to inspiring and helping entrepreneurs succeed.
He believes that entrepreneurs see things that others don’t. An artist doesn’t just see a block of clay, he sees a beautiful human sculpture. Entrepreneurs are inspired by others, by borrowing and building on the brilliance of others, even from other fields. Kay believes that entrepreneurs don’t just see the problem; they see the solution amongst the chaos. That is why Yuanfen Flow aims to create a space that allows them to embrace the chaos and channel the flow into a brilliance business idea that can disrupt how things are
デイビッドは、Yuenfen Flow(インスピレーションを与えて、起業家が成功するのを手助けすることに専念した孵化器スペース)の創立者である。
そんなわけで、Yuenfen Flowは、彼らがカオスを抱擁し、流れを、物がどうであるかを混乱させることができる輝きビジネスアイデアに伝えることを可能にするスペースを作成することをめざしている。
David は、アントレプレナーが成功するようにインスパイアし、サポートを行うインキュベータースペースdearu
Yuenfen Flow の創立者です。
彼は、アントレプレナーは、他の人達には見えないものを見ることができる人だと信じています。アーティストは粘土のブロックをただ見るだけではなく、そこに美しい人間の彫刻を見ることができます。アントレプレナーは、例えばまったく畑違いのところからでも、他人の優秀な能力を借りて、その上に何かを創り上げることで、他人からインスパイアされる事ができます。Kay は、アントレプレナーが、問題をただ見るだけではなく、その混沌とした状況の中に解決方法を見ることができると信じています。そのため、Yuanfen Flowは、混沌とした状況を受け入れ、実在するものを破壊することができるような素晴らしいビジネスアイデアを創り上げる事ができるような流れが産めるようなスペースをつくろうという目的を持っています。