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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] シンガポールの"Swiff"はSquareと同様のサービス (ただし企業向けのみ) Squareは最高に便利なモバイル支払いサービスだが、御存じのよ...

Singapore’s Swiff Works Like Square, But For B2B

As many already know, Square, the oh-so-convenient mobile payment system, is only available in the U.S. So Asians like me can only read and wait for its availability in Asia. But not anymore, since we have Swiff, a made-in-Singapore, Square-like mobile payment solution. It is a mobile credit card reader and it’s available on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

Swiff is produced by SCCP, a payment processing and solutions company which has been in the payment business for nine years. Since Square is making the headlines, many would assume that SCCP has copied Square’s idea. But Stephanie Yeo, Head of Marketing and Communications at SCCP told me no. She said that SCCP has been working on R&D for more than a year but Square was the first to bring it to the market.

Square follows the B2C model, meaning it allows consumers to consumers to pay through its system… which is why some folks thought it has the potential to be a good payment system for prostitution business.

On the other hand, Swiff focuses on business accounts. Stephanie explained that only companies with proper registration and corporate bank accounts will be able to use Swiff. Square only accepts U.S based banks but Swiff as described by Stephanie is “neutral to all banks.” She added: "Swiff is an enabler for merchants (registered businesses) as a cost-efficient, easy-to-deploy alternative to credit card terminals. Therefore, we work with the acquiring bank as partners to provide the mobile payment service to merchants.

We facilitate the application process, but ultimately, the business relation lies with the bank and the merchants (customers). The banks decide on the transaction fees and the rates. The rates may differ between companies. We also open up the possibilities for merchants to work with any other acquiring banks that may come on board in the future." Swiff is currently on available only in Singapore and is working with clients like Sakae Sushi and Buyan Russian Haute Cuisine and Cavar Bar.

The company is currently raising funds and has plans to enter Malaysia, Indonesia, and India. From what I understand, it is scheduled to go on full launch around February next year. While Square dominates the U.S market, can Swiff dominate the Asian market? We shall see!
mochi63118 さんによる翻訳
シンガポールの"Swiff"はSquareと同様のサービス (ただし企業向けのみ)

Squareは最高に便利なモバイル支払いサービスだが、御存じのようにこれはアメリカでしか使えなかった。そういうわけで、私を含めたアジア人はもっぱらSquare について読んではアジアでも使えるようになることを心待ちにしているしかなかった。しかし、"Swiff"の登場でそんな日々ももう終わりである。シンガポール生まれのSwiffは、Squareと同じようなモバイル支払いサービスだ。このモバイルカードリーダーは、iOSとAndroid のスマートフォンやタブレットで利用出来る。

しかし、SCCP社マーケティング・コミュニケーション部のリーダーであるStephanie Yeoは、これを否定する。彼女は、「SCCP社は何年もの間研究開発を行ってきたものの、製品を市場に出すのはSquare社に先んじられてしまったのです」と語った。

Square社は、B to Cモデルのサービスを提供している。すなわち、消費者どうしがSquare社のシステムを通じて互いに支払いを行うことが出来るのだ。ある人々は、これは売春にうってつけの支払い法になる可能性があると考えている。



Swiffは、今はシンガポール国内でのみ利用可能だ。現在のところ、Sakae Sushi ・Buyan Russian Haute Cuisine・Cavar Barといった顧客がいる。


Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
mochi63118 mochi63118