product descriptionとして請求書に手書きで対象商品の対応するASINを追記させて頂きました。
sales invoiceではないとのことですが、こちらは卸業者より発行されたsales invoiceに対応するASINを手書きで追記させて頂いたものをスキャンしPDFにしたものです。
I added ASIN that would handle the products of interest as product description to the invoice by hand writing.
If you need any other things, please let me know.
I would appreciate it if you could confirm this addition.
You said this is not a sales invoice, this is a scanned PDF of the sales invoice issued by our wholesaler with my hand writing memo about ASIN related to the issue. This is the one that is issued by the wholesaler so please evaluate once again.