
[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 今回の2件のクレーム申請について、私は本当に腹が立っている。 なぜなら、申請時の写真を見ればあきらかなように、不十分な梱包が原因で、これら2点の商品は大...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は [削除済みユーザ] さん takuzo さん lisa55 さん fairyxie さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 3件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 202文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 40分 です。

rockeyによる依頼 2011/09/25 23:35:24 閲覧 3948回
残り時間: 終了
原文 / 日本語 コピー





評価 47
翻訳 / 英語
- 2011/09/25 23:47:38に投稿されました
This time's two complaint request made me really mad.
Because as in the picture which is in the request, these 2 goods had a big damage because of not-enough packing.

You keep me waiting for your measure making the late reply of DHL as a reason.

I would like to business with you for a long future but I cannot stand with this time's late measure by DHL.

Please let us talk about if there was something good solution for this for each other.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2011/09/25 23:59:31に投稿されました
I'm really mad of the 2 claim applications, this time.
It is obvious by looking at the picture when applying, that the inadequate packaging has caused the significant damages on the two items.

Your company has been deferring responses due to reply delays from DHL.

I am hoping to have a long-term relation with your company, but I can not stand DHL's such slow response on this case.

Please let me talk to you to find out if there are any better solutions for both of us.
評価 54
翻訳 / 英語
- 2011/09/26 00:10:29に投稿されました
I am really upset about these 2 claim issues.
Because you can clearly see from the claim document's photo that these 2 items got damaged from inadequate packaging.

You have been deferring to take action blaiming it on DHL's late reply.
I am wishing to have a long term business with your company, but this late action of DHL is not acceptable.
Can we have a discussion to find a solution that would be good for both of us.

翻訳 / 英語
- 2011/09/26 00:15:12に投稿されました
About this two objection application, I am really angry.
Why? When I watched the photograph at the time of the application, I found these two products received big damage for insufficient packing.
Your company postponed correspondence by the reason of the delay of the reply of DHL until now.
Although I still want to do long-term business with your company, I can not endure the rather correspondence of this DHL.
I take you as some each other, is there any good solution? let us talk together!.



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