『$$00002$$ BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』
『$$00002$$ BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』
総数500万枚以上を売上げ、J-POP史上に鮮烈な歴史を刻んだ『$$00002$$ BEST』の発売から15年―。
"$$00002$$ BEST -15th Anniversary Edition- "
"$$00002$$ BEST -15th Anniversary Edition- "
There is oneself that ayu reminds you of...
It's been 15 years now since the historical hit of "$$00002$$ BEST" in the J-POP history, and sold more than five millions in total.
今もなお、浜崎あゆみを語る上で欠かせない名盤として愛され続けているベストアルバムが発売から15年目となる今年、2001年の発売と同日の3月28日に“15th Anniversary Edition”として最新のリマスタリングを施され、ついに蘇る!
A legendary best album that can't be forgotten when talking about AYUMI HAMASAKI will welcome its 15th year after the release this year, and for that, the same day of the release in 2001, on March 28th, it will be reborn with remastered "15th Anniversary Edition"!
All 16 tracks are remastered from the original master music tape by a famous engineer Stephen Marcussen from LA, which is well known for an engineering The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney and other artists as well.
After 15years of time passing, we are going to see the new voice of AYUMI HAMASAKI.... no doubt that this will not let you down!
初回限定豪華盤には、当時ayu自身がレコーディング時に書いた手書き歌詞原稿や、浅田真央(フィギュアスケーター)、仲里依紗(女優)、古市憲寿(社会学者)、綾小路翔(氣志團)、宇野維正(音楽ジャーナリスト)、藤井美保(音楽ライター)による『A BEST』ライナーノーツ、アイコニックな“涙”と共に記憶に残るジャケット撮影時の未公開オフショットなど、貴重なコンテンツを収めたアニヴァーサリー・ブックを封入。
The first limited deluxe edition album includes an anniversary book with valuable contents, such as the lyrics script written by YUMI HAMASAKI when she was recording back then, “A BEST” liner notes by Mao Asada (figure skater), Riisa Naka (actress), Noritoshi Furuichi (sociologist), Show Ayanocozey (Kishidan), Koremasa Uno (music journalist) and Miho Fujii (music writer), and the never-before-seen behind-the-scene photos at the time of shooting the unforgettable cover image of the CD along with iconic “tears.”
video clipも、Blu-rayとDVDの2メディアに収録されるなど、“15th Anniversary Edition”ならではの永久保存版としてコレクトしておきたい要素も満点。
Music Videos are in 2types of medias, Blu-ray and DVD, it is said to be a permanent collection filled with contents just for "15th Anniversary Edition".
Also, it is a genuine BOX edition that will contain original T-shirt (Randomly including 1 from 7patterns in all, printed with a photo) which is still a topic spoken within the fans, an artwork that you can feel her inner self, that had 7 patterns as a inner artwork for the album!
J-POPシーンに決して消えることのない軌跡を残し、浜崎あゆみの名を刻んだ『$$00002$$ BEST』。
Leaving a trace that will never fade in the history of J-POP scene, "$$00002$$ BEST" carved AYUMI HAMASAKI'S name for sure.
Would like to listen to it again, now.
Would like to listen to it for the first time.