“Small parks with no one in there”
There are 100,000 parks in Japan which have many kinds of shapes, some are big, some are small.
And they have various kinds of unique space, it seems waiting for people who visit there to draw them to another world.
But, as of today, few people visits there.
This time, we selected carefully 50 no-one-visit lonely parks among many parks which exist in Saitama city Saitama prefecture.
Saitama city is a foremost residential city in Japan and has 1,250,000 residents, it has about 1,000 parks interspersed in there and is like a treasure trove of parks.
I visited many parks this time with a map in my hand. More than I expected, there were many parks with no people. A little while ago, many elementary school children playing cheerfully in the park was an usual scene in Japan. These days, however, children play with games like video games at home or they are forced to do too much study. These are the reasons why children have less and less chance to play oustide.
As I have discovered this situation with my own eyes, it made me feel a bit sad.
A small park with no people seemed like a decorated beautiful piece of art, but it will never be perfect in a real way unless it is fulfilled with people.