ユーザ同士で質疑応答(Q and A)ができるスマホ向けのアプリを作ろうと思っています。他の国での事例を参考にしたいので、貴方の国で人気のあるQ and Aアプリを5個探してもらえますでしょうか?iPhoneかAndroidのどちらか一方で構いません。AppStoreかGooglePlayのURLを5個送って頂ければ納品完了です。ご応募の際には国名と、iPhoneかAndroidのどちらかを教えて下さい。
I would like to have some examples in other countries so can you find 5 Qand A applications in your country for me please?
Either iphone or Android is fine.
It will be done when either Appstore or Googleplay's URL.
When applying, please provide us your country and which one you are using iPhone ir Android.
You task will be completed when you send me five URL of AppStore or GooglePlay. Please inform me of your country and either iPhone or Android when you apply.