We noticed that item(s) offered for sale on this account weren’t listed in accordance with our Firearms, Weapons, and Knives policy. We realize you may not have been aware of this policy, or that this may have been a simple oversight, so we're including some policy information to help you with your future listings and to make sure they don't run into any problems. We also had to take the following actions:
- Listings that didn't follow eBay guidelines have been removed. A list of removed items is available further down in this email.
- We have credited any associated fees to your account.
Due to numerous laws and regulations regarding the sale of weapons, firearms aren't allowed on eBay.
- eBayのガイドラインに従わない出品は削除しました。削除された商品は、このメールのより下の方に記載があります。
- あなたの口座に、関連する手数料を入金しました。
- eBayのガイド ラインに準拠しない商品の出品は取り消されました。出品を取り消された商品の一覧がこのメールの下部に記載されています。
There are also restrictions regarding the sale of replica firearms and gun.
- The item has a blaze orange marking or a blaze orange barrel plug permanently attached to it.
- The item can't be converted to shoot a lethal projectile.
- The item, you, and your buyer are located in the U.S.
- The item is shipped only within the U.S.
You listed an airsoft gun and are offering shipping from a country outside of the United States. Due to various international laws regarding the sale of firearms and firearm parts, we've decided to only allow such items domestically within the United States.
- 商品には、恒久的なオレンジのマークの目じるし、或いはオレンジのマークの銃口プラグの目じるしをつけること。
- 商品は殺傷性のある飛翔体(弾丸等)が発射できるように改造できないこと。
- 商品、販売者、及び購入者は米国内に居住していること。
- 商品は米国内だけに出荷されること。
販売者はエアソフト ガンを出品し、米国外から米国に出荷する事を提供しています。銃器や銃器の部品の販売の関するさまざまな国際法のために、当社は米国内原産のそうのような商品だけの販売を許可することに決定しました。
We appreciate that you chose to sell this item on our site but please do not relist it.We would have loved to explain this to you over a phone call, however, because you are in an international location, we were unable to do so.
Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with this information and be sure that future listings follow these guidelines. Keep in mind that if further items aren't listed in accordance with our policy, it could result in additional action including account restrictions or loss of buying and selling privileges on eBay.
If you have any more questions, contact our policy experts.
Here are the listings we removed:
Biohazard 3
Biohazard 3
Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with this information and be sure that future listings follow these guidelines.
この情報を詳細に理解することに時間を取って頂き、今後の出品はガイド ラインに必ず従うようお願いいたします。販売者の今後の出品が当社のガイド ラインに従わない場合は、eBayのアカウントの制限、購入や販売権の喪失を含む追加の処置を取る結果となることを心にとどめてください。
Biohazard 3
Biohazard 3、これは、除去させて頂いた商品名です。