Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] Sモードでもパドルシフトの制御については詰めが甘い印象で、ドライバーの意図したギアにならないことが多いです。でもまぁ、無いよりはあったほうが楽しいですね、...



これは、もう広いです。 たまに「フィットで充分荷室が広いのに、フィットシャトルで中途半端に荷室を広げている意味が希薄」みたいな記事が見受けられますが、私的には恩恵充分です。まず26インチのママチャリが積める。そして良くも悪くもフィットのホイールベースのままボディを延長したので、リアのタイヤハウス以降のスペースが広い。これは僕らゴルファーにとって非常に有難いです。タイヤハウスの出っ張りがあるとゴルフバック積めないですからね。タイヤハウスより後ろの荷室が広いのはキャディバック積むにはメチャ便利です。
t4shi さんによる翻訳
I had an impression that the control of the paddle shift slacked off twoard the end even with Sport mode and it often shifted the gear to what the driver didn't intend but well, it's more plaesing than nothing. CVT's control worked much smoothly than I expected. I have thought that the control of CVT worked choppily due to the experience of the driving my company's car and my wife's car but I didn't feel like that with this car at all. The control was very smooth and I thought CVT has been evolving.

It's very spacious.
Some articles sometimes say that Fit shuttle expanded its trunk by halves even though Fit has adequately wide trunk and it doesn't make sense. However, Fit shuttle's expanded trunk is quite benefit for me. First, 26 inch granny's bike fits in and then the space behind the rear wheel house is broad as the body was extended and for better or worse, the wheelbase is the same as Fit. It is very convenient for us who are golfer. A golf bag can't be fit in if there's a projection of the wheel house. It is quite convenient that the space behind the rear wheel house is wide to load a golf bag.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
t4shi t4shi