[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] もちろん、紙に印刷された自撮り写真がこの話の核心ではない。これは、バイラル・マーケティングに利用できる。8000人民元(約1290米ドル)で購入できるWe...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2014/07/08 15:16:19 閲覧 2648回
残り時間: 終了

WeChat’s future is in hardware, and it can thank Polaroid for the inspiration

When Polaroid discontinued its instant photo-churning film and camera in 2008, the world mourned the death of a loveable but hopelessly antiquated piece of technology. Make no mistake, smartphones and digital cameras rendered the clunky and lo-fi Polaroid camera redundant. But dated as it was, instant photos retained their mysterious appeal, living on in artist studios and Tumblr blogs to this day.



Many companies have emerged from the fold in hopes of digitizing and modernizing the Polaroid’s enduring appeal, though none have caught on significantly. But Welomo, a Chinese startup based in Guangzhou, is making strides, and its founders proudly attribute its growth to WeChat – the popular mobile messenger that’s on almost every smartphone in China.


The selfie printer is the new gumball machine

Let’s say you’re at a cafe with a friend, snapping selfies and posing with your intricately arranged food. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a cute paper photo of those selfies to keep in your purse? If there’s a Welomo printer nearby, you can. Scanning a QR code on the Welomo printer’s screen automatically adds Welomo’s service account to one’s WeChat contacts list. After selecting a photo to print, users input the four-digit code for the nearby Welomo printer into the chatroom space. The printer then churns out the selfie, which you might then hand out to your friends, or stick on the cafe wall.



Of course, this isn’t really about paper selfies, it’s about viral marketing. Businesses that own a Welomo printer – which sells for RMB 8000 (about US$1290) – can customize parts of the photo layout. Buy one for your candy store and put your logo in at the bottom corner, next to a QR code for your WeChat official account. It’s now a selfie that doubles as a business card.


These business cards can generate some healthy income too. Printer owners can offer photos to customers for free, but Welomo tells merchants the “suggested price” for each photo is RMB 3 a pop, which consumers pay using WeChat’s built-in payment service. That’s not going to turn a cafe owner into a billionaire, but it will bring in some extra cash – not unlike the gumball machines planted outside supermarkets and movie theaters.


Chance Jiang, co-founder of Welomo, tells Tech in Asia that the flexibility in pricing helps broaden the use cases for the printers. Already, brands ranging from trans-continental hot pot chain Haidilao to telco China Unicom have purchased Welomo machines for marketing and entertainment purposes.

“Haidilao offered free printing services and they thought this would be an add-on that would allow the consumers and diners to share content with their friends,” says Jiang. “But later on they found out that the machine could generate revenue to cover the cost of the machine itself.”

Welomo共同創業者のChance JiangはTech in Asiaのインタビューに応えてこう言う。「この柔軟な価格設定は、プリンタの使用されるシーンを広げていきます。」
すでに、中国全土に広がる鍋料理チェーンのHaidilaoや、通信会社のChina Unicomにいたる多くのブランドが、Welomoの機械を、マーケティングやエンターテインメント用途で購入している。


In many ways, Welomo recalls the “everyone pays, everyone wins” business model of WeChat rival Line. In that app, big companies will pay Line for permission to sell branded stickers to users, usually for about US$0.99 a set. As a result, brands get viral marketing and a little cash that might even recoup the initial investment, Line gets cash and increased engagement, and consumers get a virtual good they can show off to friends. The difference with Welomo is that businesses invest in a physical printer, rather than an account, and they sell a physical piece of paper, rather than a digital illustration.


Printing your own destiny

Welomo banks on China’s WeChat-drenched zeitgeist, but co-founder Mike Huang, who originally conceived of the company, has a respectable background in so-called online-to-offline technology. In 2003, before graduating from South China University of Technology, he attempted to start a company that let feature phones – the ones with the buttons and tiny screens – control washing machines. That project failed for obvious reasons, but Huang remained undeterred. He tasted success for the first time with a wireless printer for enterprises that caught on big with China’s logistics industry, but still yearned to create something bigger and consumer-facing.

Welooは中国のWeChatの影響を強く受けた考え方に賭けている。しかし、この企業を最初に思いついた共同創業者のMike Huang氏は、オンラインからオフラインへの技術という、尊敬すべきバックグラウンドを持っている。2003年にSouth China University of technologyを卒業する前に、彼はフィーチャーフォン ~ボタンと小さいスクリーンを持ったあのフィーチャーフォンである~で、洗濯機を制御する事業を起業しようとした。このプロジェクトは明らかな理由により失敗したが、Huang氏はあきらめなかった。彼は企業向けの無線プリンタを中国の物流企業に提供し、最初の成功を手にした。しかし彼はもっと大きな、そして一般消費者に向けたものをつくることにあこがれていた。

The early vision for Welomo resembles its current business model, but with one key difference. Huang and his teammates originally built Welomo printers to work with native iOS and Android apps. When WeChat opened its API to third-party app developers in 2012, the team got on board as an afterthought. It was only when Allen Zhang, the mastermind behind WeChat, reached out to Welomo and invited them to visit Tencent’s offices in Shenzhen that the messaging app became the core of the Welomo vision.

初期のバージョンのWelomoは今のビジネスモデルに似ていたが、ひとつ大きな違いがある。Huang氏とチームメートは最初WelomoのプリンタをネイティブのiOSとAndroidで動くアプリとして作り上げた。2012年にWeChatがAPIをサードパーティの開発者に公開したとき、彼らのチームも考え直してその流れに乗った。WeChatの頭脳であるAllen Zhang氏がWelomoに接触を試み、彼らをShenzhenにあるTencent氏のオフィスに招いたときにはじめて、このメッセージアプリがWelomoのビジョンの核となったのだった。

We were the first hardware company to connect to WeChat, so [Zhang] invited our whole team to his office and he brought all of the key members from Tencent to check out our product. He was very interested in how WeChat could connect to devices, and asked us, “Why don’t you forget about native apps, just connect your machine to WeChat?” One week later, we got rid of our native apps and directly connected the machines to WeChat’s API. That was our major first milestone.



2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。





  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
