The final chapter of season two of "Sherlock," "The Reichenbach Fall," ended with the death of Sherlock Holmes. Watson saw Holmes throw himself from a rooftop and saw the bloodied body of his friend and partner on the pavement. And then, in a classic cliffhanger that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would have loved, Watson gave a speech at Holmes' tombstone as the detective watched from a distance. For two years (episode 2.3 originally played in January of 2012 in the U.K.), the rabid fan base of this show has devoted an amazing amount of time and energy to trying to figure how Holmes faked his death.
pierre tombale de Holmes quand l'agent policier voit de loin. Pour deux ans (chapitre 2.3 être diffusé à l'origine en janvier 2012dans le Royaume-Uni), les fanatiques supporters inconditionnels de l'émission sont consacré une quantité étonnante de temps et énergie à resolver comment Holmes simuler sa propre mort.