While we see Korea as a frontrunner in the convergence race – prospects do look rosy for the rest of the region. In Hong Kong and Taiwan, 30 percent and 40 percent of consumers respectively have expressed receptivity to location activated deals and offers. And what better way to capitalize on this opportunity than through chat apps?
It seems like any company with a significant retail presence will need to properly measure and gain insights into the coming technological convergence so that they do not miss this digital shift.
Note: Unless otherwise stated, all data comes from TNS syndicated research Mobile Life 2013. This is a global study on the consumer mobile space and covers 38,000 interviews spanning 43 markets. The interviews were conducted in January 2013.
注記:特に明記のない限り、データはすべてTNSのシンジケート調査Mobile Life 2013によるものである。本調査は顧客のモバイル空間上でのグローバルな調査であり、43の市場に及ぶ3,800件のインタビューを対象としている[取り扱っている]。(なお)このインタビューは2013年1月に行われた。