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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 興味深いことに、黒色だけは含まれていないようです。ただ最終的にアップルがこういった色を使用すると決まった訳ではありません。 廉価版iPhoneに複数...

Apple Testing Budget iPhone For Later This Year In Colors Like Blue, Pink, Green And Orange

Apple is rumored to be working on a budget iPhone targeted at emerging markets. The device will allegedly be made of plastic and look like an iPod touch in the back and an iPhone 5 in the front. Other reports have claimed that Apple is working on multiple color variations beyond the traditional black and white.

Today a new report from Japanese publication Macotakara claims that Apple is currently testing such a device in the supply chain for production later this year.

Apple is prototyping a gambit of colors, according to the site. Navy, gold, gray, pink, green, blue, yellow, and orange are all being tested. Interestingly enough, black seems to be the only color missing at the moment. These colors aren’t necessary what Apple plans to go with in the end.

Last week we showed you some concept designs for what a cheaper iPhone could look like in multiple colors. Macotakara says that about 1,000 units have been assembled for testing purposes, with mass production targeted for between July and September. That would put the release of the budget iPhone on track for a fall release, which has been reported before.

The report also says that the iPhone 5S will have a dual-LED flash, another tidbit we’ve heard already. Macotakara doesn’t expect the iPad 5 to ship until after the new iPhone(s) this fall.
sosa31 さんによる翻訳
アップルが、青、ピンク、緑、オレンジなどの色の廉価版iPhone をテスト中

アップルが新興国向けに廉価版iPhone の開発を行なっているという噂がでています。
伝えられるところによると、この機器はプラスチックでできており、背面はiPod Touch、全面はiPhone 5のような外見とのことです。他にも、今までの黒や白といった色以外に、いくつか別の色もあるという報告もあります。




また、以前私たちが耳にしていたように、iPhone 5SにはLEDフラッシュが2個ついているということも報道されました。MACお宝では、これらの新しいiPhoneが秋に発表されるまではiPad5が出荷されることはないだろうと考えています。

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