zhizi Translations

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Almost 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi Japanese → English
Original Text

おっしゃる通り、厚労省に対し製品の登録や輸入ライセンスの取得費用なども必要になるため、協業なども考えXX Inc,のJohanにコンタクトを取りたいと思います。



First of all, we would like to thank you for taking your time to meet with us yesterday. As we found out that our planned prices are not competitive, we would like to re-consider the price setting once again.
As you mentioned, since the costs for product registration at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and for acquisition of an import license will be needed, we are going to contact Johan at XX Inc. with consideration of possible cooperative work.
We will also contact the Japanese dentists you introduced to us.

We would appreciate if you could continue supporting us in this matter.

Respectfully yours,

2文目の「想定していた価格」ですが、価格が1つなのか複数あるのかわかりませんでしたので、翻訳文は複数にしておりますが、1つしか価格がない場合は、"prices are"のところを"price is "にして下さい。よろしくお願いします。

zhizi Japanese → English
Original Text



Joined company A and engaged in consulting work in the SCM field of manufacturing industry. Presently concurrently serves as division director for BPO business at a domestic consulting company and president of a/its affiliate company in Dalian of China, supervising overall business management of a/the China-based affiliated company.
Supports Company B for its business expansion in China, by making the most of personal expertise in healthcare environment in China.

大連子会社ですが、国内コンサルティング会社の子会社かどうか分かりかねましたので、a/itsとしておりますが、もし国内コンサルティング会社の子会社でしたら、its を、そうでなければ a にしてください。また中国現地法人が大連の子会社のことかそれとも別なのかも判断できませんでしたので、a/theにしましたが、おなじであれば、the を、別会社であれば a にしてください。

zhizi Japanese → English
Original Text


シンガポール拠点 責任者/Webマーケティング担当



After leaving Company A, currently engages in work including planning medium-term strategies for the IT field at a local consulting company in Singapore.

Familiar with developing mission-critical systems for raw materials and chemical manufacturers. Supports Company B by using the working experience at a local healthcare-related company as well as the personal experience of overseas advanced medical treatment.

Singapore’s outlet: Responsible official/Web marketing staff
Participating members (the founder(s)/including part-time worker(s))

Supports Company B by using the working experience at a local healthcare-related company, and from the standpoint of future recipient of overseas advanced medical treatment.