yyokoba Translations

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Over 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

If Japan’s SmartNews is just another news app, why is it valued over $100M?

Japanese news apps are engaging in a war that shows no signs of stopping. SmartNews, a strong contender to emerge victorious from the fray is already looking to bolster its position with an influx of non-Japanese users. The company launched an English app earlier this month and has taken up residence in the Digital Garage office in San Francisco. Tech in Asia met up with founders Kaisei Hamamoto and Ken Suzuki, along with prize hire and creator of the Wall Street Journal’s online edition, Rich Jaroslovsky, to talk about the history of the company, its transition to a global media firm, and its future plans.



日本のニュースアプリは終わりが見えない戦争中だ。この中から勝者として立ち上がってきそうな強力候補のSmartNewsは、既に日本人以外のユーザの流入でその地位を強固なものにしようとしている。同社は今月初めに英語アプリをローンチし、サンフランシスコのDigital Garageオフィスに居を構えた。Tech in Asiaは創業者のKaisei Hashimoto氏とKen Suzuki氏、そして大物メンバーであるWall Street Journalのオンライン版のクリエイターRich Jaroslovsky氏に会い、同社の歩みと国際メディア会社への移行、そして将来計画について話を聞いた。

yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Finding serendipity

“What I found most interesting is that [SmartNews] is not designed to appeal to an audience of one, it is designed to appeal to a broad audience. One of the hardest things to do in digital media is to provide serendipity – the user experience of “I didn’t know i would be interested in [this thing] but I am,” Jaroslovsky notes.

Providing that experience depends on technology but also available data. The SmartNews team already has the tech but sees the media-saturated US market as a way to strengthen their product and maximize its value. “We want to be a global company so after the US we will launch in UK, Canada and other countries,” Suzuki says.





yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

SmartNews is also about to turn on a major new revenue stream, another point that likely resonated with investors. From December, the company will launch its own native ad network and has already brought on social network giant cum gaming giant Mixi to be a distribution partner.

Fumbling over personalization

SmartNews is riding high on a healthy valuation now but it arrived at this point after a major false start. In 2010, after Hamamoto left corporate work behind to set out on his own, he built a real-time web crawler for social media. In discussing the project with Suzuki, he realized that the product should be focused further on gathering news information. He built the service and called it Crow’s Nest.




現在のSmartNewsは良好な評価価値を受けて順風満帆であるが、この状況に至る前には一度大きなフライングを経験している。2010年にHamamoto氏は企業勤めを辞めて独立した後、ソーシャルメディア向けのリアルタイムウェブクローラーを作成した。このプロジェクトについてSuzuki氏と話し合っている間に、彼はこのプロダクトがさらにニュース情報を集めることに焦点を当てるべきだと気がついた。彼はそのサービスを構築し、Crow's Netと名づけた。