yyokoba Translations

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Over 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

11 Hot Mobile Messaging Apps from Asia and How They’re Super-Innovative

With the numbers Rick released on mobile messaging apps growth, and Willis’ post on how heated the mobile messaging battle is getting, I thought I’d take a look at the killer features that make messaging apps so strong with younger smartphone users in the region. They’re all a big threat to Facebook Messenger (which seems to be imitating Asian chat apps in some respects) and the newer Facebook Poke.

Why are these apps so hot? It all boils down to the virtual stickers and being so multimedia and immediate. This is where Asian apps are innovating like crazy.



Rick氏が発表した、モバイルメッセージングアプリの成長に関する数字と、Willis氏の、モバイルメッセージングの戦いがいかに熱くなっているかという投稿を読んで、私はメッセージングアプリがこの地域の若いスマホユーザーから強い支持を獲得している、決定的な機能を調べてみた。これらは皆、Facebook Messenger(これもアジアのチャットアプリをいくつかの点でまねているようにみえるが)、そして最近のFacebook Pokeにとって大きな脅威である。

なぜこれらのアプリがそんなにホットなのか? 全ては仮想ステッカーと、高いマルチメディア性と即時性に還元される。これこそアジアのアプリが狂ったほど革新的なところだ。

yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Zero Halliburton’s Contemporary History
For nearly seventy years, Zero Halliburton has defined strength, durability and style with our signature aluminum cases. Today, we’ve added the perfect complement to our iconic aluminum cases with the introduction of beautifully designed nylon and polycarbonate cases redefining the meaning of durability and elegance.

The Zero Halliburton’s Collection
As travel has changed, so has Zero Halliburton. After more than 70 years of perfecting the aluminum case, Zero Halliburton has introduced complimentary new collections of business and travel products. The Zero Halliburton collections feature: computer, business and travel cases in aluminum, polycarbonate, and nylon.




yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

In a note to investors in January, Jefferies analyst Peter Misek estimated that production of the next-generation iPhone would begin in March ahead of a launch expected in either June or July. He also predicted that Apple will be launching a second smartphone alongside the 5S, possibly a much-rumored low-cost version targeted at developing markets.

MacOtakara also claimed that Japan's number one cellular provider NTT DoCoMo, which is not yet an Apple partner carrier, is apparently reducing orders for Android-based smartphones for the upcoming fall 2013 season. The supposed move has prompted rival carriers to speculate that DoCoMo may soon start sales of the iPhone.


一月の投資家へ向けた発表の中で、JefferiesのアナリストPeter Misek氏は、次世代のiPhoneは6月か7月の発売を控えて、3月に製造開始されると推測した。彼はまた、アップルが5Sと同時に2番目のスマートフォン、もしかしたらよく噂された成長国市場向けの低価格バージョン、を発売するとも予測した。

また、MacOtakaraは、まだアップルのパートナーキャリアではない、日本の携帯キャリア首位のNTT DoCoMoが、来たる2013年秋シーズンのアンドロイドベースのスマートフォンの発注を減らしているようだと主張した。この噂される動きにより、DoCoMoが近い将来iPhoneを売り始めるかもしれない、とライバルの携帯キャリアは推測している。

yyokoba English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The primary reason why our users are loving the app is that before Truecaller, there was no easy way to find phone numbers unless you wanted to spend hours searching the web or asking friends. Truecaller’s users from all over the world enhance the service by sharing their contacts and together, we create a collaborative dynamic database that is always evolving. Truecaller also features a collaborative top spam list, which is built by our users to help identify the top spammers in your area. You are automatically warned and protected by Truecaller from these spam numbers and the top spam list.



yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

We get a lot of requests from Japan for pricing on items, you can send any
requests right to me (Susan) at this email address and we will give you
pricing as requested.

thank you so very much for your email.
what kind of quantity will you be buying ???

Thank you for your email and your interest in distributing our products in Japan! I have notified the proper department who would handle inquires such as yours and they also set up drop ship accounts. Dan will be in touch with you in the next few days via email and provide you with more insight on this process.

We can supply your needs.
You can contact me directly - we also have the strap you requested in stock.




Eメールおよび日本での私たちの商品の販売について興味を持っていただき、ありがとうございます! あなたのお問い合わせに対応するのに適切な部門に知らせました。また、彼らがドロップシップアカウントを開設します。Danが数日中にEメールであなたに連絡を取り、この手続きの詳細をお知らせします。


yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your recent order, Y371277215. In an effort to protect personal consumer information, LEGO Systems, Inc. has elected to no longer process shipments to Third Party Shipping Vendors.

We have determined that because your order is scheduled to ship to such a vendor we must, accordingly, cancel your order.

Thank you for your email.

You will need to select the packages from your Inbox to be shipped, and after that you can select the option: I agree to pay a $10.50 cost for special handling

Thank you for your cooperation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Kind Regards,


最近のご注文Y371277215どうもありがとうございました。消費者個人情報保護のため、LEGO Systems, Inc.は第三者配送業者への発送を取りやめることにいたしました。







yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple cuts back iPhone5 chip,panel orders as start of iPhone6 production nears

New reports from Asia suggest that Apple has cut back its chip and panel orders for its iPhone5 as the launch of the next-generation iPhone,known as iPhone5S or iPhone6, grows nearer.

Adding to a mid-February note from Jefferies analyst Peter Misek that claimed Apple was slowing production of its iPhone5 as it prepares to start building the new iPhone this month,a new report from Japanese site Nikkei claims that Apple has slashed iPhone5 chip orders.

A second report from The Korea Economic Daily newspaper claims that Apple is expected to significantly reduce orders of its iPhone5 displays due to "high inventory levels."




2月半ばのJefferiesのアナリストPeter Misekによる、今月からの新iPhoneの製造開始に備えてiPhone5の製造を減速している、という指摘に加えて、日本のサイトNikkeiの新しい報告ではアップルはiPhone5用チップの発注を大きく削減したと報じている。

The Korea Economic Daily新聞によるとアップルは「高い在庫レベル」のためiPhone5用ディスプレーの発注を大幅に減らすと予測されていると主張する。