Yukari (yukamelocoton) Translations

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About 5 years ago Female 50s
Japanese (Native) English Spanish
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yukamelocoton English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

just got in touch with royal mail gave them tracking number it was accepted in this country on the 24th june but theres no other information on item royal mail said I should of received item by now plus when delivered it should of been signed for theres no proof of a signature or delivery they think items been lost they dont know were it is

As I told you yesterday there is no sign of the item in the uk it disappeared on the 24th june as royal mail this is getting beyond a joke I want a full refund or another item sent now you've mess me around enough I've had well over 30p ebay transactions and this has never happened before stop messing me about going on about Japan post and royal mail


royal mail と連絡を取りました。追跡番号を伝えたところ、この国で6月24日に受理されているとのことですが、それ以外、その荷物に関する情報はないとのこと。royal mailは普通なら私が荷物を受け取っているはずで、配達完了された場合にはサインがあるはずだと。しかし、サインも配達の証明もないので荷物は紛失していると思う、彼らもどこにあるかわからないとのこと。

昨日お伝えしたように、イギリスではこの荷物の記録がなく、royal mailによると6月24日に紛失しているとではとのこと。冗談かと思うような状況ですが、全額返金、もしくは今すぐ別の商品を送っていただきたい。もうこれ以上困らせないでください。
今まで30p 以上のebay取引をしましたが、今までにこのようなことはありませんでした。日本郵便とroyal mailのことで迷惑をかけられるのはもううんざりです。

yukamelocoton English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

There was an employee meeting a number of years ago and Steve Jobs was talking.

He said that one of the fundamental motivations was that when you make something with love and with care, even though you probably will never meet . .  the people that you're making it for, and you'll never shake their hand, by making something with care, you are expressing your gratitude to humanity, to the species.

With that, it wasn't opportunism .we saw we could use technology to be extraordinarily useful in relation to our health and wellbeing.This area is one that I've been fascinated by, as is specifically addressed by wearable technology.”

You're not dragging people through the victories or otherwise that you've been working on




