yoggie Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

But China Mobile has a new CEO in Xi Guohua, and Xi is taking the company in the opposite direction. According to an article in China Business News, Xi’s strategic buzzword is “professional specialization,” and the CEO has been busy shifting the company from its current location-based configuration to a new approach that will see the company re-split into subsidiaries based on their specific missions.

It is, in a very real sense, the opposite of Wang’s “One China Mobile” policy because Xi apparently intends for these specialized groups with a relatively high degree of autonomy, focusing on their specific missions without much interference or intermingling with other parts of the company.


しかし、China Mobileが新CEO迎えたXi Guohuaはこの会社を逆方向に導こうとしている。China Business Newsの記事によると、Xiの戦略のキーワードは「プロの専門化」であり、このCEOは現在の地域ベースの形から、この会社を専門的ミッションに基づいた子会社に分けようとする新しいアプローチへとシフト替えしようと忙しい。

これは、本当の意味で、Wangの「One China Mobile」ポリシーの逆だ。というのは、Xiは見たところ、この専門家グループには比較的多くの自主性を与え、会社のほかの部門から多くの干渉を受けたり混合したりするようなことなく、専門的ミッションに集中できるようにしようとしているからだ。

yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Xi will also create a subsidiary internet company during the second half of this year, as well as subsidiaries to focus specifically on mobile clients and on China Mobile’s international business. It’s not clear exactly how Xi plans to use the internet company — whether that refers to China Mobile’s operations as an ISP or something else entirely isn’t clear — but the company will have its own director, and employees will being peeled off local subsidiaries around the country to help staff the new company. Xi may be hoping to follow in the footsteps of China Telecom, which has seen success with internet subsidiaries like its Tianyi video service.


Xi氏は、今年後半、携帯電話の加入者とChaina Mobileの国際ビジネスに、特に焦点を当てる子会社だけでなく、インターネットの子会社を設立する。Xi氏がこのインターネット会社をどんなふうに操業しようとしているのか-インターネット接続業者としてChina Mobileの経営にかかわってくるのか、あるいは、全く別のことなのか-明らかではない。しかし、この会社には独自の取締役がついていて、社員たちも国内の地域別子会社からは切り離されて、新しい会社に従事することになっている。Xi氏はTianyiビデオサービスなどのインターネット子会社で成功を収めているChina Telecomの業績に続きたいと願っているのかもしれない。

yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

About Futurebooks

Futurebooks is Singapore’s and Hong Kong’s most progressive bookkeeping company. Futurebooks offer affordable incorporation, bookkeeping, business planning and brokering, to entrepreneurs with big ambitions. Whether your goal is to be acquired or to be more profitable this quarter, Futurebooks provide planning to keep your business on track and bookkeeping services that streamline the journey.

Using cloud computing solutions like Intuit’s QuickBooks Online, Xero, SaaSu, DropBox, Workflowmax, Vend, salesforce.com and Google Enterprise, Futurebooks are able to offer clients productivity improvements and reductions in the cost of accounting.




IntuitのQuickBooks OnlineやXero、SaaSu、DropBox、Workflowmax、Vend、salesforce.com、Google Enterpriseのようなクラウドコンピューティングのソリューションを用い、Futurebooksはクライアントに生産性の向上や会計コストの削減を提案する。

yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

New Zopim makes it easier for you to engage your most important customers

Zopim, a Singapore startup that gives businesses the ability to chat live on their website with customers, has launched a new version of their service today.

One of the more prominent new features of this revamp is Triggers, which Zopim describes as a way to “proactively engage your most important customers.”

It works by alerting you when key customers drop by your site. Zopim can track howthey got to your site, perhaps via a Google search on your company or product, a click on an adword, or a blogpost sponsored by you.






yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

After being alerted, you can instantly engage them in a conversation. Triggers can be configured to notify you only after a customer performs a set of actions. Communicating with them has been made easier since you can now do it on the go with Zopim’s new iPhone app.

The service’s analytics has also been beefed up. Besides tracking where customers come from, it can also determine the following:

their motivations (what they search for, which referring URL they came from)
their thought processes (the sequence of pages they looked at)
their interests (the page they look at the longest, the questions they ask)
their background (country they are from, email, so on)
their face (grabbed from public spaces like Gravatar)





yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi! Thank you very much for the order, just to let you know we will ship you games in separate packages so it will get faster
and you don't have to pay any duties or taxes. It will come at no extra cost to you, we will take care of extra shipping cost.
Since you bought many games, I would like to ask you a question: are a reseller or do you have video game store?
Because we have a special price list for customers who buys large quantities.
Thank you again and please let us know.

P.S. My friend told me today: “You’ll never get a boyfriend if you stay on that computer all the time.”
- "Tell that to all my World of Warcraft boyfriends!" - I replayed.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

comes with an AC adapter and if you have any boxed Disk System's as well, as I highly prefer being able to get a boxed copy instead of one that's not boxed.

I saw about six or more pictures on the item description of the Disk System and I wanted to know if those pictures were actual pictures of the item that I had bought. The pictures show the Disk System in different angles, as well as the RAM adapter and the box. If those pictures were from the exact item I bought, then I would accept the offer, but if not then all I require is updated pictures so I am able to see the condition of the item so I can decide if I want to purchase it. As mentioned before it doesn't matter to me that it isn't new. Thanks again.


ACアダプターがついているかどうか、ということと、箱に入ったコピーをできればほしいと強く思っているので、箱に入ったDisk Systemがあるかどうかということをお知らせください。

Disk Systemの詳細が書いてある写真を6枚以上見ましたが、見た写真は私が注文した物の写真でしょうか?見た写真はDisk Systemsをいろんな角度から撮ってあり、RAMアダプターと箱も映っていました。この写真が注文した物の実際の写真なのであれば、このオファーをお受けしますが、そうでないなら、写真をアップデイトしていただき、商品の状態を見せてください。それから購入するかどうか決めたいと思います。 既にお伝えしてますが、新品でなくても気にしません。ありがとうございます。