ykse Translations

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About 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ykse English → Japanese
Original Text

In honor of this year’s celebration, Facebook has published a report looking at trends of people who have “come out” over the past year. It shows that on the social network, more people are coming out and that support for LGBT groups is increasing. What’s more, it seems the June 26 Supreme Court Obergefell ruling had a big impact on people coming out.

While the traditional definition of “coming out” is the voluntary self-disclosure of one’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity, Facebook has a slight tweak to it which helped in its research: updating your profile to express a same-gender attraction or using the social network’s custom gender tool to better express your identity.




ykse English → Japanese
Original Text

Facebook estimated that in the past year, approximately 800,000 Americans updated their profile to express a same-gender attraction or a custom gender. Overall there are more than 6 million Americans that have come out on the social network — of which 78 percent made this change over the past three years.

And there’s perhaps no stronger place for support than on Facebook: During the time surrounding the Supreme Court’s decision, more than 26 million people opted to mark their profile pictures with a rainbow filter. What’s more, 5.7 million Americans have joined at least one of the 300 most popular LGBT pages, a jump of close to 25 percent over the past year.




ykse English → Japanese
Original Text

Like many technology companies, Facebook presents as an ally of LGBT rights, whether it’s celebrating Pride or joining others like Apple in support of gay marriage, although its real name policy has continued to cause controversy.

While the research is limited to just the United States, what’s interesting is how this continues to apparently further Facebook’s mission of connecting the world. People are actively sharing their stories with their friends, and the respect and admiration seems to be spreading to more people. Certainly over the past year, there have been many occasions that have captivated this community, including World AIDS Day and Diane Sawyer’s interview with Caitlyn Jenner.



今回の調査はアメリカ国内のみに限定されているが、この動向がFacebookの世界を繋ぐというミッションをどのように促進していくのか興味深い。自身の話を積極的に友人に打ち明ける人が増え、彼らに対する尊重と称賛はより多くの人々に共有されているようだ。過去1年の間に起こった、World AIDS Dayや Diane Sawyer氏によるCaitlyn Jenner氏のインタビューに代表される出来事が、Facebookコミュニティーの多大なる関心を引きつけたという事実は確かである。