ykse Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ykse English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

When you interview at a company for a growth-focused position, make it very clear what you know versus what you don’t. If you don’t know something, don’t pretend. It will become blatantly obvious to them very quickly anyway.

If they ask you about paid advertising and you don’t have the experience, say, “I’m not a paid ad person. If you want paid advertising, that’s not me. But you need to optimize your onboarding flow. And that’s something I know a lot about.”

Then walk them through the steps you would take for them. Give them your ideas for free. The ideas are not your secret sauce. What they’ll hire you for is executing those ideas.





ykse English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Executives from Telkomsel, XL Axiata, and Indosat today unveiled the plan with Project Loon’s point man Mike Cassidy and Google co-founder Sergey Brin at a press event in Silicon Valley. Indonesia is now the fourth country behind Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand, over which Loon will launch balloons more than a dozen miles into the sky and drop down internet access to smartphones.

Earlier this month, Indonesia’s telcos had mixed feelings about this proposed initiative. “Clearly, the project would harm not only Telkom, but also other telecommunication companies,” Indra Utoyo, Telkom director of innovation and strategic portfolio told the media. “That means Google would bypass us.”


Telkomsel、XL Axiata、そしてIndosat の取締役陣は本日シリコンバレーで催された報道機関向けのイベントで、Project Loonの中心人物であるMike Cassidy氏、Google共同設立者のSergey Brin氏らと共に同計画を明らかにした。気球を空へ12マイル以上も打ち上げてスマートフォンにインターネット接続を届けるLoonの対象国は、現在ブラジル、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドに続いてインドネシアが4か国目となる。

今月、インドネシアの通信企業はこの構想提案に対して複雑な心境であった。「Telkomだけでなく、他の通信企業にも害が及ぶことが目に見えています」と、Telkomイノベーション・戦略的ポートフォリオディレクターのIndra Utoyo氏はメディアに語った。「これはGoogleが私たちを無視することを意味します。」

ykse English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

We have many customers who send photos of the watch to Fossil to authenticate, and they (fossil)
confirm it is original. But, to be honest with you, we do not get the products through Fossil,
thus able to offer the much better pricing. I dont know what the manufacturing sector is like in Japan,
but in China, everything is very loosely controlled, and license holders have very little control in how
factories make products and supply directly to the secondary market, outside of the official channels.
We take care to only deal with factories that make licensed products,
so we know products are original, and made to exact same quality and specifications.



ykse English → Japanese
Original Text

A:RT if the Santa Anas are ruining your life. Fave if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Blink twice if you can hear me.

A: More like allerGEEZ amirite? #jokes

B: ur ready to manage the @AAAA account

A: thank you I've waited for this say for so long

B: The Ultimate Honor

C: I have a friend coming 2 visit this weekend so I did something I never do. Clean my room & sheets. Thx2 @carrieunderwood's album4motivation

B:every creative director is leaving their fashion house it's like a haute mass exodus

D:I want Demna 2 spearhead all

B:I will need a dr*nk when that collection comes out

D:u have noooo idea

B:the combination of the Brand and Demna's style is gonna be so interesting it just got rly hot all of a sudden


A: Santa Ana(埃っぽく乾燥した風)のせいで人生めちゃくちゃって人はリツイート、何のことかわからないって人はお気に入りに、聞こえたって人は瞬きでもしておいて
B: allerGEEZ(アレルギーとGeez=あらら をかけた駄洒落)って感じでしょ?#ジョーク

A: もう@AAAAアカウントの管理を君に任せられるよ
B: ありがとう、この時をずっと待ってたんだ
A: この上ない光栄です

C: 今週友人が遊びに来るから珍しいことをしました。部屋の掃除とシーツの洗濯。@carrieunderwoodのアルバムのおかげでやる気が起きました

B: クリエイティブディレクター達がこぞってファッション界から手を引き始めていて、ハイクラス人口の大移動みたいになってる
D: Demnaに先陣を切ってもらいたいな
B: コレクションが発表されたら乾杯しないと
D: 本当にそう
B: BrandとDemnaのスタイルが合わさったらすごく面白いだろうね、急にとてもかっこよくなったし

ykse English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I would like to know about general wear of the book as far as spine, dust cover and pages. Also I would like to know if there is a cheaper way to ship book(by surface mail). I wouldn t mind waiting a couple of weeks to reduce the $95.00 postage

Would you accept a monthly payment plan for this?

Hi there, I was looking to buy a set of decent Japanese chisels. Looks like one of your larger sets went unsold. Any chance you are going to post them again?

What makes the difference between the expensive sets and the cheaper sets? Condition? Or maker?

Exactly how old are these-they have rubber handles?
I have a genuine katana about 480 years old,loe quality but genuine and id like to add an old kamisori for daily use





