yeardly_koko Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese English (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yeardly_koko English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

There’s also a social network element built into the service, allowing you to browse other users’ submissions, ‘like’ them, and add comments. It feels a bit like Medium’s app, down to swiping either left or right to explore more. There’s no way to follow individuals at the moment. It already has a strong rival in the form of Storehouse.

Mao says Pixotale has users (he declined to disclose how many exactly) in more than 30 countries right now – but not many of those people are in his native China. The app supports Chinese – as well as social sharing to Weibo and WeChat – but the app lacks any Chinese servers, making it very slow in the country.




yeardly_koko English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

“It took me about two years,” she said. “And for me, the best part was designing the levels. I designed each level on a piece of paper before doing it on the computer. It was also a challenging part because sometimes it was hard to think of new levels.”

But again, she just continued working and eventually got to a point where she was happy with the experience.

“I decided to release Crazy Block when I felt I had a good amount of levels, and I had tested it many times,” she said. “When I released it on Google Play, I felt incredibly happy. I could’t believe it as I had been working on it for two years. Seeing my game in the store made me feel really proud of myself.”




「ある程度のレベルを作成し、何回もテストした後、私はCrazy Blockを配信することに決めました」彼女は言う。「Google Playで配信をしたとき、私は凄く嬉しかったです。二年間も作り続けていたのが信じられませんでした。私のゲームがストア内にあることを誇りに思えました」

yeardly_koko Japanese → English
Original Text













Grip the center part of the holder with one hand, and use the other hand to pull out the clip.

Face the side with the line drawn by the blade up.

Grip the center part of the holder with one hand, and use the other hand to push in the clip.

the blade will not come out
impossible to cut the thing
the blade will not go in
possible to push in and pull out the blade

to become self-conscious
become distressed, suffer, and ponder

Check the operation

the person himself (herself) studies

"How much do you know?"
"I have been watching the ~"
"I look is worth a thousand words"
"Did you understand~?"
"That was..."
"What would next?"
"You should do it like this"

"Ways to think about the job" 4 levels

prepare to teach

explain the job