yama2012 Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
Italian Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yama2012 Japanese → Italian
Original Text









Grazie per la Sua risposta.

Le chiedo scusa per la mia lenta risposta perché Le scrivo tramite il traduttore professionale.

Vorrei comprare da Lei i prodotti e la quantitá come seguenti.

Il nome del articolo:(商品名)
il numero di prodotto in ebay:(ebayのアイテムナンバー)
la quantitá dei prodotti:(数量)
il prezzo:(価格)
*questo é lo stesso che ho gia acquistato uno tramite ebay. Ed adesso ne vorrei altro uno.

Per quanto riguarda il prezzo di quello che ho gia acquistato su ebay, va bene cosi come era prima.

Per risparmiare le spese di spedizione, per favore mi mandi tutto insieme con quello che ho gia acquistato su ebay.
Anche mi farebbe sapere gentilmente quanto costerá il spese di spedizione?

Ecco semplifico la mia richiesta.
Un altro pezzo stesso di quello che ho aquistato tramite ebay l’ultima volta,
poi, Due pezzi del numero di prodotto in ebay ○(商品ナンバー).
Quindi in totale sono Tre pezzi che compro da Lei direttamente.


yama2012 English → Japanese
Original Text

Sterling Silver Honey Amber Heart Pendant Necklace, 18"

Gemstones may have been treated to improve their appearance or durability and may require special care.
May be washed with warm soap water
The natural properties and process of amber formation define the unique beauty of each piece. The image may show slight differences in texture, color, size and shape.

Capture the golden, summer hues of honey amber on this colorful heart-shaped pendant. Outlined in polished sterling silver, the metal emphasizes the natural definitions seen in the amber stone, making each pendant one-of-a-kind.


スターリングシルバー ハニーアンバー ハート型ペンダントネックレス、18インチ(約46cm )



yama2012 English → Japanese
Original Text

Report: China’s Net Users to Exceed 800 Million By 2015

According to a report released yesterday by China’s Social Sciences Academic Press, China’s internet users are expected to exceed 800 million by 2015. China already has more than a half-billion net users, and with smartphone and broadband penetration growing rapidly, SSAP’s prediction may be optimistic but it certainly isn’t unrealistic.

SSAP’s report says that more than a quarter of the internet users to be gained over the next few years will come from China’s countryside, where broadband and smartphone penetration rates are markedly lower than in cities.



中国のSocial Sciences Academic Press(SSAP:社会科学研究プレス)が昨日発表したレポートによれば、中国のネットユーザーは2015年までに8億人を超えると予想されるとのことだ。中国にはすでに5億人を超えるネットユーザーがいて、急速な成長をみせるスマートフォンやブロードバンドの浸透もある。SSAPの予想は楽観的かもしれないが、しかしそれが非現実的ともいえないのは確かだ。


yama2012 English → Japanese
Original Text

The report’s predictions are based on official government numbers that put China’s net users at 538 million as of June of this year. Sustained growth is predicted because the costs of accessing the internet are going down (especially as cheap smartphones flood the market) and because China has more than 1.3 billion people, so the potential market for the internet is vast.

And what are these Chinese users doing online? A little over a month ago we took a look at a CNNIC report that broke down Chinese internet user habits — and how they’re changing — into a pretty detailed table. Here’s the scoop:




yama2012 English → Japanese
Original Text

In June, it acquired a majority stake in 4G Secure SAS, an European firm that specializes in an authentication platform for mobile apps. Its technology will be used to make Swiff more secure.

Thailand is perceived as a challenging market due to its low credit card adoption rate. Only about 6 million Thais own a credit card as of 2008, less than 10% of its 69-million population.

But helping Swiff is the fact that the bulk of credit card users would be located in urban areas like Bangkok, while low adoption rates signal rangy growth potential. Also, tourism is a lucrative revenue source for Thai establishments, and Swiff could ride on that as well.


6月には、モバイルアプリ向け認証プラットホームに特化した欧州企業4G Secure SASの株式の過半数を取得した。彼らの技術によってSwiffはより安全なものになるだろう。



yama2012 English → Japanese
Original Text

Permission to use image for transfer to fabric scroll, website, marketing purposes.
Copyright of the collective work becomes copyright for the collective “Omnia
Scroll”. Artists retain copyright of all works and text they upload, but “The Omnia
Scroll” are authorised to use these materials for communication and promotion
purposes and creation of the scroll, catalogue and other promotional material.
Artists who are selected to The Omnia Scroll & Exhibition declare and accept that
they are the authors of the images they upload and possess all rights to use these
images. The organizer is not and cannot be held responsible for any third party


共同作品の著作権については、Omnia Scroll共同作品としての著作権となる。
アーティストはアップロードしたすべての作品とテキストの著作権を保持するが、The Omnia Scrollにはこれらの素材を伝達やプロモーション、またスクロールやカタログその他のプロモーション素材の作成を目的として使用する権限を持つ。
The Omnia Scroll & Exhibitionに選出されたアーティストは、自身がアップロードした画像の作者本人であり、これらの画像を使用するに当たってのすべての権利を所有していることを宣言し同意する。主催者はいかなる第三者からのクレームに対しても責任を負うことはできない。