yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 119-1
5 Finally, noted Eisenhardt, the fast kids thoroughly integrated strategies and tactics, juggling budgets, schedules, and options simultaneously. The slow kids examined strategy in a vacuum, and were more likely to trip over details on implementing decisions.

Gates is famously hyperactive, a characteristic that proved extremely valuable in the computer business. At times it seems he finds it almost impossible to sit still, and his habit of rocking back-wards and forwards when he is talking or thinking is well known within the industry. As a businessman, too, Gates was restless, a trait that helped Microsoft avoid the sort of complacency that afflicted rivals such as IBM.


ページ 119-1


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 118-3
3 The slow decision makers also considered fewer alternatives than their faster counterparts, and minutely dissected each alternative while the greyhounds considered batches of options at the same time.

4 The slowcoaches were 'stymied by conflict', with constant delays; whereas the bullets thrived on conflict, which they saw as a natural and desirable part of the process, but the senior decision maker was also prepared to step in if needed and make a decision. These companies also relied on 'an older and more experienced' mentor for advice, whereas the slow decision makers had no such advisers.


ページ 118-3


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 118-1
Research tends to support Gates' view. Take, for example, the prize-winning California Management Review article by Stanford professor Kathleen Eisenhardt, 'Speed and Strategic Choice: How Managers Accelerate Decision Making'.

The famous article drew on the author's study (with her University of Virginia colleague, Jay Bourgeois) of decision makers in 12 computer firms in Silicon Valley. They found that the slower companies took 12-18 months to achieve what the faster companies managed in just 2-4 months.

In the article, Eisenhardt highlighted five major distinctions between the two groups:





yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

How To Deconstruct Almost Anything
My Postmodern Adventure
by Chip Morningstar
June 1993
"Academics get paid for being clever, not for being right."
This is the story of one computer professional's explorations in the world of postmodern literary criticism. I'm a working software engineer, not a student nor an academic nor a person with any real background in the humanities. Consequently, I've approached the whole subject with a somewhat different frame of mind than perhaps people in the field are accustomed to. Being a vulgar engineer I'm allowed to break a lot of the rules that people in the humanities usually have to play by, since nobody expects an engineer to be literate. Ha. Anyway, here is my tale.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

2. INDOMOG is the big especially for online games payments. Are you guys focusing on online games intentionally?

"That is actually one of our strategies; to incorporate INDOMOG as an online payment gateway for the Indonesia’s videogame industry, because this industry is the easiest to educate. Online game users are used to computer technology and online shopping, so it’s easier to initially introduce INDOMOG to the videogame industry, as opposed to some other industries. Our next move is to implement INDOMOG as a payment gateway in all of Indonesia’s online industries."




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Can you give us some stats or milestones for INDOMOG’s operations so far?

" INDOMOG has around 350,000 users, 90 merchants, and over 30,000 distribution channels."

4. What’s the main reason behind INDOMOG’s successes so far?

" INDOMOG is a pioneer for payment gateway in Indonesia. It’s easy to use, and already connected to major banks. We also have very vast distribution channels."

5. INDOMOG is the sole partner of Zynga, selling their gamecards in Indonesia. How much of INDOMOG’s profit is Zynga-related?

" Zynga provided around 30 percent of INDOMOG’s total revenue. Just from Zynga alone, every month we can sell up to $500,000."








yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Now that is what I’m talking about! The image above is the first thing that greets you when you fire up 魔兽战争, a Sina Weibo game whose title I’ll be loosely translating as Beast War because it sounds cool. The game — its name recalls the Chinese name for World of Warcraft — isn’t quite as cool as the image, of course. But given some of the stuff I’ve seen doing these reviews so far, it’s not bad.

At its core, Beast War is very similar to Toy Legion. It sports the same RTS-meets-tower defense DNA, and the same tacked-on social components. Yet I liked it a lot more than Toy Legion. Why?


こんなゲームを待っていた!上に掲載の画像は、Sina Weiboのゲーム魔兽战争を初めて起動したときに目に飛び込む画面だ。このタイトルは大まかな訳で魔物戦争となる(なんと言ってもこのネーミングがクールなのでね)。このゲーム、タイトルだけ見ているとワールド・オブ・ウォークラフトの中国版を連想させるが、上の画像同様ゲーム自体ももちろんクールだ。これまでの他ゲームのレビュー内容をもってすると、このゲーム、まあまあの出来と言える。

核心部分として、このBeast Warは、Toy Legionに非常に似た物であると言える。同様のRTSとタワーディフェンスのDNAが組み合わさったようなもので、これまた同様のソーシャル的要素が取り込まれている。が、私はToy Legionよりもこのゲームを気に入ってしまった。なぜか?

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Beast War does a much better job of implementing monetization in a way that doesn’t kill the game for non-paying users. Yes, it has an in-game currency system. Yes, this allows you to speed up processes that otherwise take some time, or unlock expensive beasts right out of the gate. But they’ve done a great job of balancing things so that you always feel like you can wait, and you’ll have things to do while you do. It’s not as engrossing as a real RTS, of course, but it’s a fun diversion from work rather than an annoying cartoon that seems dedicated to making you wait whenever it isn’t begging you for money.


Beast Warは、課金制度をより上手く導入していると言える。課金していないユーザーにとっても楽しめるゲームとなっているからだ。そう、このゲームにはインゲーム通貨が存在する。そして、この通貨を使用すれば、通常なら時間がかかるプロセスを短縮してくれる。もしくは通貨を利用することで、開始ゲートですぐに高価な魔物類をアンロックすることができるのだ。だが、開発者はバランスよくこのゲームを作り上げており、ユーザーは、プロセスを消化する待ち時間に何らかのタスクを与えられるため、待つことが苦悩と感じられない仕組みになっている。実際のRTS(リアル・タイム・ストラテジー)ゲームのように夢中になるゲームではもちろんないが、このゲームは仕事の合間の息抜きとして楽しめ、お金をせびる時以外は待たせることに集中しているようなアニメなどよりは断然良い。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

I’ve been playing it on and off for a couple days — far longer than any other Weibo game has held my attention — but I do get the impression there is a glass ceiling for non-paying players. Some of the higher-end beasts require millions of resources (gems, mostly) to unlock, and I just can’t imagine myself playing long enough to rack up those numbers. Like all these games, it is also constantly trying to get you to spam your followers with messages about how great Beast War is. And although I fully realize the hypocrisy of this statement, having no background music or sound at all for most of the game feels odd (I still prefer it to the inane loops of most Weibo games, though).


私はこのゲームを数日に渡り時々プレイしてきた - その他のWeiboゲームと比べると遥かに長い時間集中することができた。が、非課金プレイヤーには目に見えないガラスの天井が張り詰めているのに気づいた。高性能の魔物たちをアンロックするには数百万ものリソースが必要で(多くの場合が宝石)、私など自分がそれらのリソースを蓄積できるだけの時間プレイし続けることなど想像できない。これらのゲームによく見られるのだが、このゲームもまた、自分のフォロワーに対してBeast Warがどれだけ素晴らしいゲームかというスパムまがいのメッセージを送信しようとする。またこの意見には偽善を伴うこと十分理解した上で述べるが、ゲーム中ほとんどのシーンでBGMやサウンドがないのは非常に奇妙に感じた(もちろん私は、その他のWeiboゲームのように馬鹿げたループサウンドがないこのゲームの方が遥かに良いとは思うのだが)。