yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

One cannot plainly copy the common practices that they use in big mature markets and implement them in the Chinese market.

Inability to Attract Top Chinese Talents

Instead of companies choosing their employees, now the choice is given to top talents. In recent years, working in the government sector was the favored choice for many top talents within China. Why so? It gave them power and status being in government and state-owned companies. [And long lunch breaks. -Ed].

Also, Henry states that it is a common misconception that labour in China is cheap. This is not true, especially for highly sought-after skills. These days, top talents are paid according to international standards and receive global salaries.




企業が従業員を選択する代わりに、今では選択肢は最優良とされる人材に委ねられている。昨今の中国では、トップ人材にとって政府部門で働くことが最も人気のある選択肢であった。なぜか。政府や政府支援の企業での職につくことで彼らは力とステータスを手に入れることができたからだ [また、長時間のランチ休憩時間も理由の1つ - Ed]。


yakuok English → Japanese
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How to Build Success in China?

Henry advises that in order to build a successful company in China, you have to first build strong government relationships which will help pave the way for the subsequent operations.

Apart from building strong relationships, you need to play by China’s market rules. If your website mainly thrives on user-generated content, put in a dedicated team to regulate the content being placed on your site.

Remove any inappropriate content to prevent your site getting blocked. That’s the oft-misunderstood process of self-censorship that goes on on the Chinese web – it’s the web firms themselves that do most of the policing.






yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, where is your sincerity when you claim that you want to build a product for the Chinese market and you do not even have offices and staff placed in China? Make a long-term commitment: build a local team, understand the various cultures in numerous cities in order to successfully localize your product. Develop trust between foreign and local employees, because locals know how to better localize your product that you do.

Advice For Foreign Entrepreneurs

Henry advises that if one is sincere about doing and starting a business in China, be based in China. If possible, work in a startup to understand the culture before starting your own business.





yakuok English → Japanese
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For aspiring entrepreneurs who are still students, he advises that one should start his or her career in a China startup, though he does not recommend studying in China. Yes, undoubtedly it allows you to understand the culture and language, but one will never learn how to overcome the struggles startups will face throughout their entire startup journey.

Starting a business in China is never easy, but it is important to learn from why foreign companies fail and avoid their missteps, so the route to building a successful startup in China will be much easier.




yakuok English → Japanese
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・Aibilities - Combining healthcare and technology to provide a solution and communication platform for patients with movement disabilities by using an eye-tracking Android app. (Sidenote: won Best Rising Startup award at SparxUp last year)

・ Eductory - An online resource that help parents find the right education (school, courses, private learning) for their children with an automated targeting machine.

・ Fokado - Provides an alternative/solution to the whole gift problem we face by giving experience rather than physical goods.

・ Ifetcha - A dating service where it helps users connect and interact with new people around them using its LBS app.






yakuok English → Japanese
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・ Mitramicro - A PaaS (Platform as a Service) startup which aimes to make insurance available and accessible to informal workers with low incomes and low coverage.

・ Socentix - A cloud-based solution business intelligence for alternative asset managers.

・ Stilomo - Mobile app that allows users to get promotions/deals by sharing it to their social media accounts. (If that sounds familiar, check out Gspot).

・ Wujudkan - A crowdfunding platform which focuses on helping artists and creators to get funding for their projects through fans and a creative network.






yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

I know, I know. Some of the VCs’ remarks probably didn’t sit too well with many of you. You were probably thinking, “Seriously, what do they know about Southeast Asia anyway?” But take their comments with a grain of salt. As Alexander Pavlov from Ru-Net Ventures (ru-net.ru) said, “We’re here to educate ourselves.” If they were not interested in SEA, they wouldn’t bother coming and investing the in Southeast Asian market. We are, both founders and investors, all here to put in constructive feedback, to learn and improve as a whole. It’s an important discussion that needs to happen, and we hope this is the first of many such talks.


そう、分かってる。ベンチャーキャピタリストによる意見のいくつかは、読者にとっては不可解なものであったかもしれない。きっと「東南アジアについて一体彼らが何を知っていると言うのか、まったく・・・」と思われただろう。しかし彼らの意見を割り引いて聞いてみてほしい。Ru-Net Ventures(ru-net.ru)のAlexander Pavlov氏が述べたように、「我々は我々自身を教育するためにここにきているのだ」。もし彼らが東南アジアに関心がなかったとすれば、彼らはわざわざ東南アジアに進出してまで東南アジア市場に投資することはなかっただろう。我々は、創始者と投資家共に、ここで前向きな意見を出していき、全体として学び進歩していくのだ。これは必要とされる貴重な討論であり、我々はこれが来るべき多くの討論のほんの一部であると願いたい。

yakuok English → Japanese
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CASS also points out the extra paperwork and a lack of information privacy laws in China as being unconstructive to the new ID requirement. It points out that the new requirement might invade upon the rights of the individual to speak his or her mind, which is going to be a big minus for the future of the Weibo.

We’ve just under a month until the new Weibo real ID rules kick in — and this year is going to be a pretty ‘sensitive’ one for China with the transition to a new leadership. While we might not be surprised if the ID requirement kicks in for real, the controversy surrounding the policy might still be too much. And if it implodes in the end… would we be surprised as well?




yakuok English → Japanese
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Li Zheng has told Chinese media that his startup quickly grew in just over two months to 500,000 users, and is now seeing 5,000 new smartphone-made videos being uploaded every day.

Cyberagent Ventures and its parent company, the web firm CyberAgent (TYO:4751), know a lot about mobile apps and they also help developers reach the lucrative Japanese market. It’s not clear if that’s part of the strategy with its investment in iSheHui.

We saw the same venture group splashing its cash just two weeks ago, but that time it was on a Vietnamese music service.


Li Zheng氏は中国のメディアに、彼のスタートアップ企業はわずか2ヶ月の間に50万ユーザーを誇る企業へと急速に成長したと述べ、また今ではスマートフォンを使用して作成された動画が毎日5000本もアップロードされていると述べた。

CyberAgent Venturesとその親会社であるウェブ企業のCyberAgent(TYO:4751)は、モバイルアプリについて熟知しており、彼らはまた開発者が有益な日本市場へと手を伸ばすことができるよう手助けをしている。それがiSheHuiに投資することになった彼らの戦略の一部かどうかは定かではない。
