yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

i also take a look at some other stuff on yahoo japan (...) to buy and maybe sell.
but your are the first wich know that if i find something.

the reason why i ask you about smartphone is:
on wich way can we share direct and fast pics about items.
for example: when i visit some 2nd hand markets or something and see something i can take a picture and send it to you & you say yes or no.
you know?
do you have permanent internet on your ipad2?

from now please use:
its much compfortable for me to answer fast and so on.

about the pics you send me about llardo: do you want exact this or someting like this?


私は、購入後、転売するためにYahoo Japanでも他の商品などを探しています。


df. @gmail.com



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

We would like to work with you to improve the classification of your listings so that your sales are maximized. We also observed that 72 products are missing Images and 905 products are missing Descriptions. We will work together through a collaborative process to identify the best location for the listings and complete the missing information efficiently. The process should not require more than a few hours of your time and I will be available to assist you throughout the process.

We can list all your products in one time using the flat file, please see the attached documents.
If you want I can suggest a couple of company that you can use to translate in Italian.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

JobLocal: Location-based Job Listing Website

There are many websites that provide list and information of job vacancy in the market, some of them specifically targeting certain segment. Now, there is another job listing website based on the location of the workplace, JobLocal.me. Developed by no stranger, Willy Ekasalim who is also the founder of Bistip, together with Kreshna Utama.

In a conversation via email, Kreshna Utama, CEO of JobLocal.me, explains that JobLocal.me’s service is to provide a list of vacancies based on the name of the area that can be recognized by job seeker. This means a more familiar name of the location instead of the official name of the location.



求人リストと関連情報を提供するウェブサイトは多くあり、いくつかのウェブサイトでは特定の分野に焦点を置いている。そして新たに職場の位置情報をベースとしたもう1つの求人情報ウェブサイトJobLocal.meが登場した。Bistipの創始者としてもよく知られているEkasalimと、Kreshna Utamaによって開発された。

Eメールのやり取りの中でJobLocal.meの最高経営責任者であるKreshna Utamaは、JobLocal.meのサービスは、職を探す人々が求む職場の位置情報をもとに求人情報を提供するというものだ、と述べている。これは、公式な位置情報よりもっと慣れ親しんだ位置情報を得られるということを意味する。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

For some reason, it appears our friends at SocialBakers left out Japan (even though they clearly know it’s in Asia)! Wondering if perhaps they knew something I didn’t, I double-checked with our correspondent in Japan, who confirmed the island nation was both still in existence and still located in Asia. That being the case, I took the liberty of adding Japan and its ten million Facebook users to the top of the infographic. Later on, however, Japan’s numbers aren’t represented in their charts. It’s also worth noting that the infographic sometimes uses the word “Asia” when what they actually mean is “Asia-Pacific.” Anyway, here’s the graphic!



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

With the online fashion store market in Indonesia already has several players like Zalora, Fimelashop, and Laavaa (that was launched a day after Scallope’s launching), one may wonder how Scallope is different than the other online fashion stores. Interviewed by email, Ahmad Zaky, co-founder of Bukalapak, answered,

We ensure that all products in Scallope has highest quality possible, along with the original and creative models. What makes use unique is as a webstore, we carry out curation to ensure quality and service until delivery to the customer’s hands without any flaws.


インドネシアのオンラインファッションストア市場ではZalora、Fimelashop、そして(Scallopeがサービスを開始した日の翌日にサービスを開始した)Laavaaなどの数社が既にサービスを展開しており、Scallopeが他のオンラインファッションストアと一体何が違うのだろうかと疑問に思う人もいるだろう。Eメールでのインタビューで、Bukalapakの共同創始者であるAhmada Zakyはこのように回答した:
