yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Accidental order sorry but thank u for ur time and I. Sorry that it's late notice

Oh no I did not receive a card in my door how do I go about finding out where my item is. I need it for 30th April to take it to my Granddaughter in America
I have received no communication this item was delivered to me I telephoned the carrier and I am not prepared to pay another£26 for this item
I have been told I have to pay another£26 for this item I do not want it as I am not prepared to pay £26 for postage I was not told this when I ordered this item




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Daisuke isn’t new to entrepreneurship. Prior to Pixta, he started several businesses ranging from a coffee bean ecommerce site to a design studio. In 2003, he started a beauty ecommerce site that recorded about US$1 million in sales after two years. Daisuke left the business because he didn’t believe his beauty ecommerce business exploited the true value of the internet. He told Tech in Asia:

I decided to start thinking about a new business […] that provides a new value to the society. I saw some portfolios by amateur photographer by chance, and decided to launch a marketplace that connects customers and contributors.


Daisuke氏はアントレプレナーシップには慣れたものだった。Pixta創業前、彼はコーヒー豆のEコマースサイトからデザインスタジオに至るまでいくつかものビジネスに着手してきた。2003年、彼は2年間でおよそ100万米ドルの売上を計上した美容Eコマースサイトを始めた。Daisuke氏は、彼の美容Eコマースビジネスが本来の意味でのインターネットの価値をうまく活用していると確信できなかったため、このビジネスからは手を引いた。彼はTech in Asiaに以下のように述べている。
