和花 佐々木 (wwwkaa0716) Translations

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Over 7 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
wwwkaa0716 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Good day Sir,

Thanks for your message and interest in our company and products.

We would like to know more about your company.

1-Can you share us your company website? And what can tell us about your company, what makes your company unique that customers will purchase products from you?

2-We sale high quality audio and video solutions, what kind of experience you have in this field?

2-You mentioned that you want to order products from us, which products do you want to order?

3-And when you purchase from us products, how you want to sale it? Do you sale the products online or in a store, or you resale them?

4-You can find more information about the products we make in our catalogue,



1. 貴社のウェブサイトを教えて下さい。また、貴社についてと、何が貴社独特であるゆえ消費者が貴社商品を購入するのか教えて下さい。

2. 弊社は高品質オーディオ•ビデオソリューションを販売しています。この業界での経験はございますか?

2. 弊社に商品を発注したいとのことでしたが、どの商品をご希望ですか?

3. 弊社商品を購入された後、どのように販売する予定ですか。 オンライン•店舗•卸売のいずれですか?

4. 弊社が製造する製品についてはカタログにより多く掲載されています。