Violet (winvio) Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) Indonesian English Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
winvio Chinese (Simplified) → Chinese (Traditional)
Original Text

空中的火花 (Spark On Wave)


空中的火花 (Spark On Wave)

winvio Chinese (Simplified) → Chinese (Traditional)
Original Text


winvio English → Indonesian ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

Together, they joined Startup Weekend Manila and met their fourth member, JP Dela Torre. They coded and designed and worked on over the weekend of the contest. Despite not winning, they continued working on the web app as they deemed it to be usable already.

To this day, they only measure their users through website traffic. According to Jolo, they are getting an average of 30 visits per day and it’s slowly increasing. is bootstrapped by its founders, and have no investors yet. They do not have a revenue model as such, and “just want to create a quality service for commuters.” Although in the future, ads or an API are some possible monetizations models they are looking into.


Bersama-sama, mereka bergabung Manila Startup Weekend dan bertemu anggota keempat mereka, JP Dela Torre. Mereka dikodekan dan dirancang dan bekerja pada selama akhir pekan kontes. Meski tidak menang, mereka terus bekerja pada aplikasi webnya dan dianggap sudah digunakan..

Sampai hari ini, mereka hanya mengukur pengguna mereka melalui lalu lintas situs Web. Menurut Jolo, mereka mendapatkan rata-rata 30 kunjungan per hari dan itu perlahan-lahan meningkat. yang dinyalakan oleh pendirinya, dan belum memiliki investor. Mereka tidak memiliki model pendapatan seperti "hanya ingin menciptakan kualitas layanan bagi penumpang." Meskipun di masa depan, iklan atau API adalah beberapa kemungkinan model monetizations yang mereka cari.