Naoki Uka (ukkadesu) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Male 50s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ukkadesu Japanese → English
Original Text

文化発信事業、国際観光プロモーション事業、およびコンベンション(MICE)サポート事業を3つの柱として、国内外に「京都」の魅力を発信し、地域発展への寄与に努めている京都文化交流コンベンションビューローが、ウェブサイトのMICE サポート事業ページのリニューアルに関する委託業務プロポーザルの公募を開始した。

海外の MICE プランナーや国内 PCO などの会議運営者、会議主催者、MICE 関係者など、読み手を意識したウェブサイトにリニューアルすることを目的としている。


Kyoto Convention Bureau now starts inviting outsourcing tenders for proposals of renewing the web pages of MICE support projects. The Bureau, authorized as a non-profit public organization, has a mission to publicize the appealing city of Kyoto domestically and internationally and to make a contribution to the local economic and cultural development in Kyoto. The Bureau has also been engaged in three core projects: publicizing the cultural aspect of Kyoto, promoting international tourism, and supporting various business opportunities along with conventions (MICE) to be held in Kyoto.

The Bureau wishes to renew the website, recognizing the potential users and readers of this website, such as MICE planners overseas, convention producers and directors for domestic PCOs, various convention hosts, and the others in relation to MICE.

ukkadesu English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Here’s another video job with the following link to the CONFIDENTIAL video:

I’ve attached the current .srt for the EN subtitles. However, there are gaps in it, because the video features artists speaking Spanish and Japanese. So before NI can actually order the translations as usual, I would ask you to transcribe the missing parts into English.
We know you are not a native speaker so please let us know if you feel comfortable with this setup or not.

NI is assuming you’re all familiar with the YT transcription function.
The EN .srt has timings set for the start and end of each block – two ES blocks and two JP blocks.



