Tatsuya Yamashita (tymc711) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago Male 30s
Japanese (Native) English Korean
Business IT fashion Travel Music
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tymc711 English → Japanese
Original Text

hi, we can definately get this going we have to do everything thru ebay and paypal though.let me know what games you want and i will let you know prices and how many I have!!! thanks for intrest in my product. hope to hear from you also check my other site steelers 86846 I have other games on it!! thank you!!!!

go ahead and buy one of my sets and I will adjust the invoice in paypal to reflect the 18 sets. Thanks.

I am a little confused with your question. I only have 3 deadspace 2s available. Are you talking about buying all my other listings to pretty much to get a discount? because i only have about 20 other listings. Thank you for your time.




ご質問頂いたdeadspaceの件なのですが、もしディスカウントをご希望で他の商品のご購入をお考えですと、今現在deadspace 2は3つのみとなっており、合計で20個となっております。ありがとうございます。