twooclockhigh Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native) Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 19-3-1
For the first time ever, a high level of technical understanding was essential to understand the strategic possibilities that the brave new world of information technology opened up. The traditional generalist executive was out of his depth. Many still couldn't even operate the computer on their desk, let alone programme one.

PAGE 19-3-2
The young Gates, with his bottle-glass spectacles, dandruff and acne, and Allen, with his long hair and shaggy beard, provided Americans with a caricature of the nerds they knew at school. More significantly, for the first time corporate America's discomfort with raw intellect and technical expertise was challenged.


PAGE 19-3-1


PAGE 19-3-2

twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text


You may translate our articles into languages other than English, free of charge, without prior notice, and without soliciting our written permission, under the following conditions:

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無料で配布可能とすること。 あなたが翻訳したALA(米国[アメリカ]作家連盟)のコンテンツを販売することはできません。
記事の内容を誠実に翻訳すること。 翻訳対象言語に関連する軽微な問題を除き、著者の意図する内容を変更することはできません。

twooclockhigh English → Japanese
Original Text

Integer overflow in the agp_generic_insert_memory function in drivers/char/agp/generic.c in the Linux kernel before allows local users to gain privileges or cause a denial of service (system crash) via a crafted AGPIOC_BIND agp_ioctl ioctl call.

The add_del_listener function in kernel/taskstats.c in the Linux kernel and earlier does not prevent multiple registrations of exit handlers, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (memory and CPU consumption), and bypass the OOM Killer, via a crafted application.

- The display of the "Running in FIPS mode." message could cause small issues
when the cryptsetup or libcryptsetup utility was run in FIPS mode.


CVE-2011-1745以前のLinuxカーネルのdrivers/char/agp/generic.c中のagp_generic_insert_memory関数のIntegerオーバーフローにより、ローカルユーザが特権を取得できる、あるいは、偽装されたAGPIOC_BIND agp_ioctl ioctl呼び出しによるサービス拒否攻撃 (システムクラッシュ)

CVE-2011-2484以前のLinuxカーネルのkernel/taskstats.c中のadd_del_listener関数が、複数のexitハンドラの登録を許可してしまう問題。これにより、ローカルユーザにサービス拒否攻撃 (メモリとCPUの占有) の可能性を与え、偽装されたアプリケーションにより、OOM Killerが回避される。

-  FIPSモードでのcryptsetupまたはlibcryptsetupユーティリティ実行中の"Running in FIPS mode."(FIPSモードで動作中)のメッセージ表示による軽微な問題。