tresnowati (tresnowati) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
Japanese English (Native) Indonesian
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tresnowati English → Japanese
Original Text

Create a Google spreadsheet. This will help you organize and keep track of your ideas in one place. Best of all, everyone can collaborate on the project in real-time, and there is no chance of overlapping efforts from different parties.

Set up a brainstorming session. You’ll eventually do many of these brainstorm sessions, but try to have one (usually the first) with a larger group. Invite people from outside of the tech world to bring a fresh perspective, and also invite folks from the creative professions — writers, designers, artists, etc. Cap the number of participants at 8 people to keep the brainstorms from getting out of hand.



ブレーンストーミングセッションを設定します。あなたは最終的にこれらのブレーンストーミングセッションの多くを行うことが、より大きなグループに1(通常は最初の)を持ってしようとするでしょう。新鮮な視点を持って来るためにハイテク世界の外から人々を招待し、また創造的な専門職からの人招待 - 手に負えなくなってからブレーンストーミングを保つために8人でライター、デザイナー、アーティスト、等キャップ参加者の数を。

tresnowati English → Japanese
Original Text

Pre-Naming Preparation

Part of the secret to creating a good name is laying the right groundwork. Before you start naming your company, follow the steps below.

Set a goal and deadline. Your goal should be finding a name that is solid and presentable, rather than something perfect. Your deadline may vary, but always have one, otherwise the process will drag on indefinitely and there won’t be any urgency to finish. A few weeks of organized effort should be enough time to develop a name and gain consensus among your co-founders, but if you’re on a tight schedule, it’s also possible to do in just a few days.





tresnowati English → Japanese
Original Text

The idea behind RealLifeConnect is that it links real-world spaces with digital networks, forming what CEO Michael Ionita-Ganea calls “offline social media.” The two other founders are Christoph Wagner (CFO), and Juergen Hoebarth (CVO). Juergen tells us that its Asia operations are run out of Hong Kong, and that the company is now working with partners in China to develop “solutions for certain consumer brands” – to be revealed at a later date. With Sina Weibo now added to the line-up, the startup can tout access to the Twitter-like Chinese site and its 300+ million registered users.


RealLifeConnectの背後にある考え方は、それはCEOのMichael Ionita-Ganeaが呼ぶものを形成する、デジタルネットワークと現実の世界空間を結ぶことである"オフラインソーシャルメディア。"2他の創設者はクリストフ·ワーグナー(CFO)、およびユルゲンHoebarth(CVO)です。後日明らかにされる - ユルゲンは、アジアの操作は香港が不足しており、同社は現在、 "特定の消費者ブランドのためのソリューション"を開発する中国のパートナーと連携していることをしていることを教えてくれる。シーナWeiboは今のラインアップに追加されたスタートアップはTwitterのような中国のサイトとその300万以上の登録ユーザーへのアクセスを売り込むことができます。

tresnowati English → Japanese
Original Text

Michael was at this time already involved and made a major contribution with his knowledge around Facebook’s API and its possibilities. Both me and Michael presented the concept to people around us which are working in the advertising and social media space, and we recognised a demand for a easy to use one shop stop solution for a service like this which resulted into incorporating RealLifeConnect finally in May 2011 where we already started to do the first smaller projects as test pilots before going fully operation with our platform in autumn 2011 supporting social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and Linkedin.



tresnowati English → Japanese
Original Text

Tibiji Takes Password-Protected Notes and Tracks Your Finances

Tibiji is a brand-new service from Beijing-based startup Feike, consisting of an online personal organiser. We have seen several such services before, but most just do notes, such as Evernote’s Yinxiang Biji or Netease’s Youdao Yunbiji. But Tibiji users are able to organize many other aspects of their life into this cloud-based system.

Upon logging into the dashboard, one is able to store important contacts, maintain personal finances, keep track of special dates and birthdays, record notes, and monitor personal favors.



Tibijiはオンライン個人的な主催者から成る北京に本拠を置くスタートアップFeikeからブランドの新しいサービスです。我々は前にいくつかのようなサービスを見ますが、ほとんどのちょうどそのようなEvernoteのYinxiang Bijiまたは網易のYoudao Yunbijiとしてノートをやるた。しかしTibijiユーザーは、このクラウド·ベースのシステムに彼らの生活の他の多くの側面を整理することができます。


tresnowati English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

5.Make sure the LED on the left correctly indicates the string you are tuning.For instance,if you are tuning the third string and the LED indicates"●",then the string is too tight and you should loosen it.If the LED indicates"●",your string is too loose and you should tighten it.
8.If your Ukulele is in "C",please set the key switch to "C";If your Ukulele is in"D",please set the key switch "D".
1.The Energy-Saving mode will automatically turn off the WST-550U if there is no input for 5 minutes.If you want to turn it on again,set the power switch to "off" then back to the "on" position.
2.Quality Control certificate.
Tuning range:
Tuning instruments:
Pitch difference indication


5.あなたは3つのストリングをチューニングされており、LEDは"●"は、その文字列があまりにもタイトであることを示し、あなたがit.If LEDを緩める必要がある場合5.Makeは左のLEDを確認し、正しく、あなたはtuning.Forインスタンスである文字列を示します"●"を示し、あなたの文字列があまりにも緩んでいると、あなたはそれを締めてください。
8.Ifあなたのウクレレが "C"であり、"C"のキースイッチを設定してください、あなたのウクレレは "D"になっている場合は、キースイッチを"D"に設定してください。
あなたは、もう一度電源をオンに戻して"オン"の位置にし、 "オフ"にし、電源スイッチを設定したい5 minutes.Ifための入力がない場合1。省エネモードは自動的に、WST-550Uの電源をオフにします。

tresnowati English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

6.When the LED on the left correctly indicates the string you are tuning.fine tune the string using the LED display on the right,loosening or tightening the string as needed.The string will be in tune when the LED No.6 turns green.
7.After getting all the string in tune,go back and double check each one.You may find some of the strings are slightly flat.As you tune-up,pressure from the strings naturally bends the Ukulele neck by a very small amount.This in turn,makes some of strings which you have just tuned slightly loose again.Tuning all the strings in order two or three times is a good way to solve the problem.
2.Please take the tuner off your Ukulele when you do not use it and store it in a safe,dry place.



tresnowati English → Japanese
Original Text

Offered for your consideration is this large BACCARAT French art glass perfume or cologne bottle. The glass is from the "Rose Tiente" amberina line and the pattern is "Bambous Swirl". The bottle measures 7 5/8" high and 3" across. Both the stopper and bottle are marked "72". This piece is in very good estate condition with no chips, cracks or repairs found. There is minor roughness on the inside edge of the stopper and on the bottom rim of the bottle--not noticeable but see enlarged photos to evaluate. This Baccarat perfume is sure to be welcome in any collection. The cost of U.S. insured shipping and very careful packing varies with your postal zone--see estimate above.


あなたの考察のために提供することは、この大規模なバカラフランスのアートガラスの香水やオーデコロンボトルです。ガラスは"ローズTiente"琥珀ガラスラインからのものであり、パターンは "Bambous渦巻"です。ボトルは、全体で7 5/8 "高3"測定します。ストッパーと瓶の両方が"72"をマークされています。この作品は見つかりませんチップ、クラックや修理で非常に良い不動産の状態である。そこにストッパーの内側の端にと瓶の底縁にマイナーな粗さである - は、目立ちませんが、評価するために拡大された写真を参照してください。このバカラの香水はどんなコレクションでも歓迎されることでしょう。米国保険出荷と非常に丁寧な梱包のコストはあなたの郵便ゾーンによって異なります - 上記の見積もりを参照してください。