translatorie (translatorie) Translations

4.8 7 reviews
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Over 13 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
translatorie English → Japanese
Original Text

True-blue surfers take up their surfboards and lives because surfing is their passion. For this group, surfing isn’t a mere hobby or a trend they take up because it’s “in” or hip. Three people, however, have decided to come up with a surfing-related moneymaking scheme that is an absolute insult to the surfing community. Talk about being opportunistic in the wrong way, and this is why this so called surf shop needs to close up shop.
“An ex-pro snowboarder, a fashion manager, and an art director walk into a combination cafe and surf shop. For Josh Rosen, Morgan Collett), and Colin Tunstall that’s not the beginning of a bad joke, it’s the day-to-day reality of their hip store, Saturday’s Surf NYC.


Josh Rosen、Morgan Collett、Colin Tunstallにとって、それは悪い冗談の始まりではなかった。彼らのトレンディーな店、Saturday’s Surf NYCの日々の現実であった。

translatorie English → Japanese
Original Text

I have contacted Hazet several times and they say that the 856-1 set will not be packaged as before with a sealed plastic foil. It is either without any packaging or in a very large display blister box.

I have insisted that they deliver to me the old style sealed version or at least tell me who could do the sealing for me but I have not received any reply yet.

So at this point I can only offer you the option of the blister box. The only problem of the blister box is that due to it's size the shipping costs double for each 856-1.

I will also try to find out if I can find a company who can seal this set for me afterwards, but as far I have not found one.

I am very sorry that I have no better news today.






translatorie English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 158-1
Heading Up the Fortune magazine 2009 billionaires list for yet another year, Bill Gates is the richest man on the planet. The title of most valuable US Corporation in the world is a hotly contested one, the companies change frequently depending on the fortunes of different industry sectors, but there is no question that Gates presaged the beginning of a new technological age when the value of Microsoft surpassed that of GE in 1998. Spectacularly successful for over three decades, and despite his departure to help out at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates can justifiably lay claim to the title of the King of the Nerds.

