translatorie (translatorie) Translations

4.8 7 reviews
ID Verified
About 13 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
translatorie English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Thank you for your prompt payment. Because I specifically state in my auctions that I don't ship international, I wasn't prepared for this to be shipped overseas and adding to the packaging will add to the shipping costs due to the bigger size of the box. As it stands, the box is 25 lbs and measures 15x10x20". UPS is charging me for 32 lbs due to the size. Additionally, I don't have other packaging material and that would also be an added expense. Please have your shipper in Florida secure the package for international travel. If this is not acceptable to you, please let me know and we can agree to cancel the sale and your payment will be promptly refunded.



translatorie English → Japanese
Original Text

1baby gear
2trabel accessories
5stollers bassinels
6baby carriers
8diaper bags
9bundle bags
10bundle & blankets
11bath time
13feeding accessories
14boppy pillow
15bottles& accessories
16bibs&burp cloths
17breast pumps
18breast pumps accessoies
19nursing bras
22high chairs & booster seats
23gift sets
24health & safety
25baby gates
26baby monitors
27professional toothbrushes
28weight scales
29phtottherapy units
30moms cars
31pregancy & newbom
32nursery & furniture
33nursery décor & accessories
35cribs & accessories
38activity centers
40toys & games


1 赤ちゃん用具
2 旅行用品
3 キャディー、雑用係
4 ベビーカー
5 新生児用かご型ベッド
6 だっこひも
7 バウンサー
8 マザーズバッグ
9 巾着バッグ
10 おくるみ、毛布
11 入浴時間
12 食べ物を与える
13 離乳食用グッズ
14 授乳用クッション
15 哺乳瓶、関連グッズ
16 スタイ
17 搾乳器
18 搾乳器関連グッズ
19 授乳用のブラジャー
20 おしゃぶり
21 温め、殺菌消毒
22 幼児椅子、補助椅子
23 ギフトセット
24 安全、衛生
25 ベビーゲート
26 ベビーモニター
27 プロの歯ブラシ
28 体重計
29 光線療法設備
30 お母さんの車
31 妊娠、新生児
32 子ども部屋用家具
33 子供部屋用装飾、グッズ
34 新生児用かご型ベッド
35 ベビーベッド、グッズ
36 寝具類
37 スイング
38 アクティビティセンター
39 オーガニックな
40 おもちゃ、ゲーム
41 片付け

translatorie English → Japanese
Original Text

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