translatorie (translatorie) Translations

4.8 7 reviews
ID Verified
About 13 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
translatorie English → Japanese
Original Text

It is OK. No problem. The facebook page looks good. We can Create facebook adds as soon as PL japan online shop is working.

Our move was very big and expensive. No visits to Japan right now!
We can set up a skype call in September and I can arrange a translator for the call if necessary.

I like big business plans!
In terms of Necklaces: What are your suggestions as next steps.
The necklaces are all one of a kind (or max 4-5 of a kind).
How many necklaces would you need?
We can produce more designs in advance and send you photos and you can create a list.

I will post you more info about what we are up to soon. We are trying to finalize the Prancing Leopard offices in Hoboken and Munich.


大丈夫です。問題ありません。Facebookページは良い感じです。PL japanオンラインショップが稼働し始めたらすぐにFacebookのアドレスを作れます。



現在私達が何をしているか、更なる情報をすぐにお知らせします。私達はホーボーケンとミュンヘンのPrancing Leopardオフィスの仕上げにかかっているところです。

translatorie English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I'm fond of what you want to express in photos.They are really impressive.And I think only by devoting more emotions can these artworks come out.Actually painting is closely associated with photography in my perspective because I learned painting for some time but I had to give it up for some reasons.However I find a new way to express my inner world,that is photography.
I'm so thankful for your answers.I hope we can communicate more.I would be more than happier to hear true opinions about artworks.Thank you very much!



translatorie English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi, thank you for your business. I want to make sure I understand a doll you bought from me doing this? If so, which one? I paint them the same with genesis heat set paints. There is a matte varnish paint that can be applied to prevent shine. I typically do not use this because it can cause a bumpy texture on the skin. I could send you some of this though if you'd like to give it a try. The doll in the attached file can be made. Looks like its just a lighter cheek and nose shade that I normally do but I can do this no problem. Let me know which doll you mean is having a shiny appearance. Thanks!


こんにちは。お世話になります。私の理解が間違っていないか確認をしたく連絡しました。私から買った人形がこのようになっているですか?もしそうであれば、どの人形ですか?私はgenesis heat set paintsで同じように色を塗りました。てかりを防ぐ艶消しのニスがありますが、肌がぼこぼこした質感になってしまうので私は通常これを使用しません。それでも試されたいのであれば、いくつか送ることはできます。添付ファイルの人形は作ることができます。私が通常するように頬が明るく鼻に陰影がついているように見えますが、問題なくできます。艶のある人形とはどれのことかお知らせください。よろしくお願いします!

translatorie English → Japanese
Original Text

Thailand’s MyColorscreen Makes Your Mobile Phone Look Gorgeous

Thailand-based startup, MyColorscreen, is a site that provides you with gorgeous-looking mobile wallpaper. It’s all user-generated and you don’t have to buy them. Users who upload them will share with the community, thereby showcasing various designs, effects, and typographic styles. Just like this one here, for example.

To date, the site has more than 19,000 wallpapers for iOS and Android phones and has about 46,000 users. It was founded by Peachanan Rojwongsuriya last year who is proud that he bootstrapped his way up, from the site’s design to coding the whole thing. Peachanan shared more on why he created MyColorscreen:




これまでに、サイトはiOSとAndroid 向けに19,000以上の壁紙を発表し、約46,000人のユーザーを擁している。MyColorscreenは昨年Peachanan Rojwongsuriyaによって創立された。彼はサイトのデザインから全体のコード化まで、自力でやったことを自負している。PeachananはMyColorscreenを作った理由について更に語ってくれた。