transcontinents Translations

ID Verified
Almost 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
Business Product Descriptions Travel
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

Also, can you please let me know... is all 10x of the 10x AR2448 received in this one bag? because the 10x AR2448 we shipped were in 2 separate cardboard box shipments, under 2 separate waybill numbers, with one of which also containing an additional AR2434 to replace the missing item from last shipment (so we shipped one box 5*2448, and one box 5*2448+1*2434, 6 watches total). For your last order, we shipped out 4 packages/shipments in total: DHL shipping numbers:
7913176643 (your photo received)

Any additional information you can offer in this regard will be very helpful.

I am preparing your next shipment right now, and will send everything out asap for you. thanks again!


こちらも教えてください・・・10xAR2448の10xはすべてこの一袋に入っているのですか?私どもが発送した10x AR2448は段ボール2箱に分けており、Waybillも2通になっています。1つは前回発送分から漏れていたAR2434を追加しており(発送したのは時計を合計6点、1つの箱に5*2448、もう一つには5*2448+1*2434)です。前回のご注文では合計4箱発送しました。DHLの追跡番号は下記のとおりです。
7913176643 (写真受け取り済み)



transcontinents English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello! I got your package,very nice little surprise,thank you! Good quality lens, but there is a back focus +6, I have a camera Nikon d 7100 , it can partially adjust the focus , but I think at different focal lengths, the back focus is slightly different, the camera problems with focus has not. What do you advise me? To you I don't have any complaints, you are a good seller.But a bit disappointing for this problem.

Hello, will you answer my message, or I will be forced to leave feedback on this problem.I would not like.Thanks.

How about the box and the pouch cloth?Are all included?


こんにちは!あなたからの荷物を受け取りました、なんて素敵なサプライズでしょう。ありがとう!品質の良いレンズですが、バックフォーカスが+6です。私はNikon d7100のカメラを持っていて、部分的にフォーカスの調整が可能で、焦点距離が違えばバックフォーカスが微妙に変わるはずなのですが、カメラのフォーカスに問題が起こっています。アドバイスいただけますか?あなたに対しては何も苦情はありません、あなたは素晴らしいセラーです。ですがこの件で少しがっかりしています。

