thyme Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
thyme Japanese → English
Original Text



What do you mean by "Thank you for the information"?
I sent the photo that the box is broken. There was a risk that I could get injured by it, however, you sent me it without wrapping appropriately. Therefore, I request you to send me a paper that you improved your business because you have a responsibility for that. You do not even apologize to me. At least, you should show me the concrete plan how you improve that. I'm very resentful of the compliance violation of Amazon Germany. If I could, I would like you to return the payment for the item. However, before it, you should search for the reason why it happened and you should show me the paper how you improved it and I think it is the business manner. This time, I request you to show me your plan how you will improve it again.

thyme English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I am sorry to bother you again, but my family’s lawyer found a big problem with Miwa’s will. There is a law in my state that requires ALL living direct relatives to give permission for cremation. Because of this law, Aunt Miwa cannot be cremated and buried until both Fさん and Hさん sign a paper saying they give permission for her wishes to be followed. I will attach the form document. It must also be signed by a notary (公証人). Just 判子 cannot be used because it is not considered a signature in USA. It must be signed in both kanji and romaji. If a 判子 is required by notary then it can be used with a hand written name, just not alone.



thyme English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

For example with my mom’s name it would be (ケネディー恋 Koi Kennedy) and then she could stamp next to it. Both Fさん and Hさん need to each have their own form.
I apologize for this troublesome request, but this needs to be done as soon as possible. The form is only a few lines. The state government created a simple version for us to use because they consider us a special situation. The document is in English, but I tried to translate it to the best of my ability. If either of them cannot be contacted to sign it, I have to show proof that there was an attempt to contact them. In that case can you simply send me an email saying the date and that they could not be contacted.


たとえば、もしあなたの母親の名前だったら、それは(ケネディー恋 Koi Kennedy)のように書き、その横に判子を押してください。FさんとHさんもそれぞれ、同じ書式で書く必要があります。

thyme English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I hope this email finds you well, and we appreciate your interest in our unique and innovative fire starting gear. I have CC'd Will of XXX to this email. XXX has handled our exports for years. They've done so well at this that they earned our domestic retailer book as we evolve to handle military distribution channels. To be frank, we use XXX for our exports because they are much more efficient at handling the customs paper than we are which brings down the customs paper costs for our international dealers. XXX has great customer service, a great knife/camping hard goods catalog, and they also run the same pricing schedule as we do so you will not see a loss in margin using them.



thyme English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Niue's Parliamentary System
Following a plea from British missionaries and island leaders, the island became a British Protectorate at the turn of the 20th

Niue’s system of government is based on the Westminster system. The Niue Assembly consists of 20 members, 14 of whom are elected by village constituencies and 6 from the common roll. The 20 members elect a Premier and the Premier selects three cabinet ministers from the 19. Members elect a Speaker from outside their ranks. A general election is held every three years. century. Shortly thereafter, in an agreement with the British government, New Zealand took over responsibility for Niue in 1901.




thyme English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

The Constitution Act of 1974 requires that 20 members will be elected to constitute a Fono Ekepule [Niue Legislative Assembly] composing of 14 Members from each of the 14 villages and 6 Members from the Common Roll Register.

On Election Day eligible permanent residents in each village constituency may cast 7 votes – 1 for the village Member, and up to 6 names from the Common Roll Register. There are provisions in the 1974 Constitution Act that allow an uncontested nominated candidate in a village constituency automatic membership in the Niue Fono Ekepule, but the 6 candidates from the Common Roll Register must be voted for by all eligible voters on the day.


1974年の憲法では、20人がFono Ekepule(ニウエの立法議会)から、また14人が、それぞれ14の村そしてCommon Rollに登録している6人から選出される必要がある。
選挙日に選挙権のある永住者は、それぞれの村の選挙民の中で7つの投票をするだろう。1つは村のメンバー、そしてCommon Roll Registerから6つまで名前を選べる。 1974年憲法には条件があって、村の選挙民が自動的に会員になったニウエFono Ekepuleの中で議論なしで指名された代表者が許される、しかし、Common Roll Register からの6人の代表者は、すべての的確な有占拠者からその日に投票されなければならない。