teguramori Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
Japanese English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
teguramori English → Japanese
Original Text

Christopher John Cubos, member of the team who created iCalamity, says their goal with the app “is to ensure that no one will ever have to face a calamity alone.” He adds:

Most of the people in Leyte and other areas felt alone and abandoned. When the typhoon struck, nobody was there to help them right away, and most of the people who survived were left to fend for themselves.

People from different parts of the country, or even the Filipino overseas workers can track the whereabouts of their family. People will be able to know the exact location of the members of the family through their mobile numbers. The location will be plotted on an interactive map.


iCalamity開発チームのメンバーであるChristopher John Cubos氏によると、このアプリで目指したものは「被災者が孤立しないことを約束すること。」。



teguramori English → Japanese
Original Text

Acquisition of MSNLite

MSNLite is a third-party PC-based MSN client which simplified the official MSN client (which I think it became really a crap). MSNLite also enhanced the original, for examples, it enhanced the security of MSN as it has all instant messages encrypted; it offers message backup to cloud which allows users to access their chat history using any PC; it supports offline file transferring which means you can send files to someone who’s offline. MSNLite’s first released in April, 2010 and is reported around 1 millions active users. With this acquisition, surely we are going to see Miliao’s PC client coming soon. And this will obviously trigger the war against Tencent’s QQ.



MSNLiteは公式のMSNクライアント(私が考えるに本当に本当に酷くなってしまった)を簡単にした、サードパーティーのPC用MSNクライアントです。 MSNLiteは元のクライアントを改良もしました、例えば、MSNはすべてのメッセージを暗号化しているので、セキュリティを強化し、メッセージバックアップをクラウドで実装し、どんなPCからでもユーザーがチャット履歴にアクセスできるようにして、誰かオフラインのユーザにでも、ファイルを送れるようなオフラインファイル転送もサポートしました。MSNLiteは2010の4月に初めてリリースされ、100万人のオンラインユーザーがいると報じられている。 この買収に伴い、私たちはMiliaoのPCクライアントをもうすぐ確実に目にするだろう。 そしてこれは明らかにTencent’のQQとの競争の引き金となるだろう。

teguramori English → Japanese
Original Text

According to Erikson, parenthood is the prime generative encounter for most people. Approaches to parenthood have an effect on whether parenting is enjoyable and stimulating, or difficult and burdensome. In our own lab with a different sample, authoritative parenting, which was related to parental generativity, was related to positive relations with offspring. In contrast, authoritarian parenting, characterized by high control and low warmth, was marked by conflict between parents and offspring. Thus, in the current sample, there should be a positive relationship between generativity and expressions of happiness and self-growth through motherhood (and grandmotherhood).


Erikson によれば、親の権利というのは、殆どに人にとって重要な子供に関する課題です。 親の権利の使い方は子供を育てるのが楽しく刺激的かなのか、難しくて辛いものなのかに影響します。 

teguramori English → Japanese
Original Text

If you want to become a paperless business, spend the extra dollar for Droid Scan - Pursuit Mag

Droid Scan is a mobile app that turns your phone or tablet into a portable document scanner

With Droid Scan you can transform images captured with your camera into professional multi-page PDF documents in just a few clicks

Batch processing, including turbo capture and batch convert

Ultra high resolution scans that preserve most of the pixels in the original photo after conversion and enhancement

Convert any snapshot into a highly readable JPEG by fixing geometry, contrast, and color

Multiple resolutions available from low-res, suitable for quick sharing via email, to highest fidelity reproductions suitable for printed copy


紙のないビジネスには Droid Scan。
Pursuit Mag Droid Scan はあなたの携帯やタブレットをポータブルドキュメントスキャナーに変えるモバイルアプリケーションです。
Droid Scanを使えば、カメラで取った画像をたった数回のクリックと、高速キャプチャを含む一括処理、一括変換でプロのマルチメージPDFに変換できます。