Tomomi Galeano (tany522) Translations

ID Unverified
About 13 years ago
Seattle, WA
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tany522 English → Japanese
Original Text

A shipment from your order (#xxxxxxxxx) for the following item(s) has been returned as undeliverable.

Item(s) Returned:
1 "Microscope"

Some common causes for undeliverable packages are listed here:

If you haven't already requested a replacement order or received a replacement notification, you'll receive a refund notification soon, in which case you may return to our website and place a new order.

If placing a new order, please take a moment to verify the correct shipping address is listed for any open orders you may have. You may view your order status online in Your Account.

The shipping address listed for the returned order is:



1 顕微鏡





tany522 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

原文 — 英語
An estimated 7,000 animals spend their days dodging traffic, looking for scraps and living -- and dying -- in the streets of Tijuana, Mexico.

While no data have been officially collected on the number of strays, Tijuana city officials and the local humane society have come up with an estimate of 1.4 million people from about 750,000 households -- from where about 1 percent have an animal that roams the street.

"There's an enormous population of street dogs and cats. They're just kind of running loose, spreading diseases. They suffer from tick-borne diseases very frequently," said Sarah LaMere, a veterinarian adviser to Friends of Humane Society de Tijuana.


「膨大な数の野良犬や野良猫がいるのですよ。いわゆる野放し状態で、病気を蔓延させているのです。 ダニ媒介性の疾患は非常に頻繁なんですよ。」とティフアナ動物愛護協会後援団体の獣医師顧問、サラ・ラメアは言う。

tany522 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

The San Diego veterinarian says an all-volunteer nonprofit group of veterinarians and animal lovers from the U.S. and Mexico have joined together to spay, neuter and treat the forgotten dogs and cats.

"The group was formed to try to advocate humane euthanasia at city pounds and reduce the population of street animals," LaMere said.

In the past, the government dealt with the problem by rounding up the dogs and electrocuting them, she said. Her group has successfully lobbied to get the local pound to use painless lethal injections.

Napoleon has become a living example of what the two nonprofits can do together.






tany522 English → Japanese
Original Text

The Corgi mix was found underneath a Tijuana porch after apparently being hit by a car. The dog was partially paralyzed and unable to use his hind legs.

"We raised money for his cart in no time. Now he has his own cart and he's able to get around without dragging himself all over the place," LaMere said.

LaMere said her group conducts "itchy-scratchy clinics" once or twice a week to treat animals for parasites. It also holds sterilization clinics at least once a month.

"Once animals become healthier, people are more willing to take responsibility for them," she said. "It's a new angle on rescue."




彼女のグループは、週1〜2回、寄生虫の治療を行う動物病院、「チクチク診療所(itchy-scratchy clinics)」を開いているとのこと。また、少なくとも月に一度は避妊・去勢を行う診療所も開いている。


tany522 English → Japanese
Original Text

I agreed to ship to Japan and also did this priority mail per your request, which i did when i only mail in the U.S. as you can see. The sale was as is as the description says. I believe you are abit confused because of my ad. If you are unhappy with the one box you can mail it back but as it says the buyer has to pay for return postage. I apologize for the confusion. Like I said, all of the boxes you purchased were specified as "expired", as were the others you have bought previously. I'm sorry i have no other boxes to send. Sincerely, Mr. Rice


ご覧いただけますように、通常は米国内への発送しか行っておりませんが、お客様のご希望に基づいて、日本への発送、さらにはプライオリティーメールでの発送に対応させていただきました。商品は商品説明に記載されている通りです。当方の広告のせいで、少し混乱されているようですね。1箱に関して満足されいない場合は、返品いただいてけっこうですが、記載の通り、購入者に返品送料を負担することとなっています。混乱が生じてしまったことをお詫び申し上げます。ご購入いただいた箱(商品)は全て、以前にご購入いただいたものと同様で「期限切れ(expired)」と特記されています。こちらには箱(商品)は1つも残っていませんので、改めて発送することはできません。よろしくお願いいたします。Mr Riceより

tany522 English → Japanese
Original Text

Today we received a package for you from Tb which was incorrectly addressed. In order to avoid delays, your new address and suite number must be shown on all packages and merchandise that you have shipped here. When you place orders with any merchants, please verify and update your shipping address with your complete address and suite number. Please specifically make a note to update your address with the particular retailer noted above. Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete, inaccurate or old address requires special handling. This special handling is required to verify the correct recipient, delays your package and results in a $5 per package address correction charge.




*コメント「Suite Number」というのは、日本でいうところの部屋番号、室番号、つまり「~号室」という部分に該当します。

tany522 English → Japanese
Original Text

We sent you the last one, but it's lost in the mail. I am talking to my factory to find out how fast the new shipment of bags will be here. I will know later today. Instead of 10% off on this bag, I will give you 25% off. We are truly very sorry about this!

Yes I can mail to Japb directly. Would you like me to do that? I would be more than happy too!

I am sorry for the delayed response. I was waiting to hear back from UPS. If I do not hear from them today I will express a new package to you. I am sorry, but I do not understand you last email.

I am going to call ups on Monday morning and see what happen to your package. I will also give you a 10% discount on this order. I am very sorry about this.





