Tamami Yamashita (tamami) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English Spanish
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tamami English → Japanese
Original Text

In this study, we compared the efficacy and safety of 200 μg of budesonide administered by means of a dry-powder inhaler twice daily (400 μg per day), 8 mg of nedocromil administered by means of a metered-dose inhaler twice daily (16 mg per day), and placebo.
Albuterol was used for asthma symptoms in all three groups. The design, methods, and results of the trial have been described previously. At the end of the trial (mean follow- up, 4.3 years), the children were recruited into an observational cohort, as described previously. During follow-up, the children were treated for asthma by their primary care physicians under advisement from the CAMP physicians on the basis of the guidelines.


本研究では、ブデソニド200μgを乾燥粉末吸入器により1日2回(1日あたり400μg)、ネドクロミル8mgを定量吸入器の手段により1日2回(1日あたり16 mg)、およびプラセボの有効性および安全性を比較した。

tamami English → Japanese
Original Text

In the first method, we used a single imputation of adult height on the basis of bone age obtained at the end of the trial and the equations of Tanner et al.In the second method, we used multivariate multiple imputation with 13 imputations from simulations of a Bayesian posterior predictive distribution of the missing data, using an iterative Markov chain Monte Carlo method based on the multivariate normal distribution provided by Stata software. All eight covariates in the model for difference in adult height were used together with serial height measurements obtained 2 to 102 months after trial entry. The missing adult height data were assumed to be missing completely at random.

