Takuya Oshige (takuyao) Translations

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Almost 10 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
takuyao English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
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- Companies that offer (access to) new kinds of content that Facebook doesn’t have familiarity with today. As an analogy: the biggest app stores in China aren’t Apple’s and Google’s official stores; they’re actually third-party marketplaces. People are trying the same thing in Indonesia and there’s no reason why the trend should stop there. Facebook is already a platform in more ways than one and this could be a way for them to become an even more comprehensive cross-OS platform. It would have the added benefit of helping with user retention as they traded up from feature phones to smartphones or from low-end smartphones to higher-end devices.


- Facebookがまだ得意としていない、新しいタイプのコンテンツを提供(またはそれにアクセス)している企業。例えば、中国で最もアプリが売られているは、AppleのストアでもGoogleのストアでもなく、サードパーティのマーケットプレイスである。インドネシアでも、今それと同じことが起ころうとしており、その傾向はインドネシアにとどまらないだろう。Facebookはすでに複数のOSに対応したプラットフォームであるが、新たな買収はFacebookにとって、より包括的なOSを横断するプラットフォームになるための1つの方法になり得る。ユーザーがフィーチャーフォンからスマートフォンに、またはローエンドのスマートフォンからハイエンドのデバイスに乗り換えるにあたって、ユーザーを確保するための付加価値を持つことにつながるだろう。

takuyao English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

8. Japanese firms’ investment activity in Emerging Asia will remain steady.

Over the past few years, Japanese investors have, for a variety of reasons — fall-out from Fukushima, contracting home market, desire to diversify away from China — looked at Emerging Asia as an attractive investment destination. Japanese firms generally make decisions in a careful and deliberate manner and thereafter tend to “stick with it” unless and until there are strong countervailing reasons to change course. Investments by Japanese firms in Vietnam, Indonesia, India and other countries in Emerging Asia have generally followed this pattern and I anticipate that this will continue in 2015.


8. 日本企業によるアジア新興国での投資活動は、堅調に推移するだろう。


takuyao English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

1. Early-stage startup valuations in India will continue to build towards a breaking point.

India is currently seeing quite a bit of excitement in the early-stage funding scene. By “early-stage” I mean companies raising (much) less than US$5 million in financing in their last round. There are sound reasons for the excitement — accelerating growth in smartphone usage, positive developments on the government and policy front, increased availability of early-stage capital, and a lot else. Yet at the same time, it is fair to say that valuations may be getting a little ahead of themselves.


1. インドにおけるアーリーステージのスタートアップの評価額は、限界点に達するまで上昇し続けるだろう。


takuyao English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Startup valuations in Singapore will continue rising unabated.

Although Singapore is very small and hasn’t produced big successes on a consistent basis, government support in one form or another — grants, equity funding, smart promotion of Singapore to entrepreneurs and financiers outside Singapore, assisting Singapore-based firms with commercialization and internationalization, educational resources, and more — has resulted in Singapore punching well above its weight in terms of the number of early-stage ventures at the top of the funnel. Even more so than in India, early-stage startups in Singapore have lots of sources of capital to choose from (and not just from the government).


2. シンガポールでは、スタートアップの評価上昇の勢いは絶えない


takuyao English → Japanese
Original Text

Note however that this is only about early-stage startups as I defined earlier. Among startups that are at series B and beyond, attractive companies will continue to raise money at appropriate valuations while others may find themselves plateauing or worse turning into zombies. At that stage, it is difficult to talk about valuations in broad-brush language.

3. Facebook will make its first big Asian acquisition.

Facebook has made many acquisitions in the US and a few elsewhere. In contrast, their deal activity in Asia has been subdued. In Emerging Asia (loosely defined as India plus Southeast Asia), Facebook has made only two acquisitions – an Indian startup called Little Eye Labs and Malaysian company Octazen.



3. Facebookが、アジアで初の大型買収を行うだろう。

Facebookはこれまで、アメリカやその他の地域で多くの買収を行ってきたが、それとは対照的にアジアでの動きは控えめなものだった。アジアの新興国(大まかに言うとインドと東南アジア地域)において、Facebookはこれまで2件の買収しか行っていない。それはLittle Eye Labsというインドのスタートアップと、Octazenというマレーシアの企業の買収だ。

takuyao English → Japanese
Original Text

As to what Facebook might buy, I think it’s very unlikely Facebook will purchase a company purely to bulk up its userbase. Facebook’s traction is already so large and has such strong in-built network effects that it doesn’t make sense to do this. They bought Whatsapp not (only) because it had a large userbase — of which a big proportion is in India and Indonesia — but because it brought them exposure to a new, parallel area. The same is true of Instagram, Oculus Rift, Internet.org, Little Eye Labs, and so on.

So what might Facebook buy in Emerging Asia that operates in a parallel domain and warrants a good-sized cheque? Moving away from prediction and towards speculation, here are some ideas:


Facebookがどこを買収するかについて、私は、単にそのユーザー基盤を増大させてくれるだけの企業を買うことはないだろうと考えている。Facebookの牽引力はすでに大きく、強力なネットワーク効果を有しているから、そのような企業を買収するのは筋が通らない。Facebookは、インドとインドネシアに大部分のユーザー基盤を持つWhatsappを買収したが、その理由はWhatsappが大きなユーザー基盤を有しているから(だけ)ではない。そうではなくて、それはFacebookに新しく未開の領域への露出をもたらすからなのだ。同じことは、Instagram、Oculus Rift、Internet.org、Little Eye Labsなどにも言える。

では、アジア新興国において、Facebookはどこを買収するだろう? 未開の領域で展開し、十分な収益を保証してくれるような企業はどこだろう? 予測というよりは推論になるが、以下にいくつかの考えを示そうと思う。